Cricket 22 General Discussion thread (Use bug report thread for issues/bugs/crashes | Patch notes in first post)

As someone who has never played around with Custom Difficulties, I’m thoroughly enjoying doing so (Or having done so) on Cricket 22. It has been necessary.

Clearly out of the box there’s some annoying predetermined things with AI batting, like the fifth ball smash (Not anymore!) but I’ve adjusted run rates for each format, played around with Wicket Chance and crucially for me, amended Bounce because slow full deliveries going over the stumps really frustrate me. I just played an ODI where I had bowleds, LBWs, caught and bowleds and edges off both pace and spin. Managed to get batting a bit more testing too by adjusting Bowl Quality and Speed. It’s not my intention to constantly change things because of small sample size scenarios. Clearly pitch and players etc has an effect (And it does) but I’ll make further adjustments if something really isn’t quite right. Played around with the Edge/Skill sliders too.

I’m pretty much there with the balance between enjoyment/competitiveness. Admittedly I’ve got the game feeling a bit more like previous ones but that’s a good thing in my opinion, complimented by a beautiful looking score HUD and easy to read scorecard! And the look of the players obviously.

I’m not saying that the game’s perfect. Some leg side shots probably are overpowered but I’m enjoying driving/cutting on the off side. Batsmen going for the odd wander out of their crease, some lackadaisical fielding but for me and I think a few others, the game’s good enough but as always, I’d now like it to be polished then have things added. I know that a lot of others will still be frustrated by many things.

Anyway, looking forward to my second ODI against Jersey (Ben Duckett in need of a score) then it’s off to Kenya for a one-off Test with David Willey chomping at the bit for a left-field Test debut!
Finally bought Cricket 22, haven't played a match yet but I did spend about an hour going through the academy and checking out the licensed players. Most of the players that have had photogrammetry done look brilliant. The academy looks a lot easier to navigate, and the graphics definitely look improved.

However just like C19, I noticed that every player that was 'licensed' was completely locked from editing anything bar their skills. Now that creates a few problems such as:

1. Many of the licensed players that have not had photogrammetry and therefore have 'fake appearances' are completely bald, and because of the licensing you cannot edit these players appearances. The only licensing for these types of players is their name, which is pointless as it means they are completely locked as a result. Oh, and Gurinder Sandhu is apparently a pale white guy now...

2. Quite a lot of licensed players players have their stats missing (came across at least 50 players like this), particularly many licensed English players so I assume the BA devs either forgot or ran out of time to fill the stats out while creating these players. Also, get this one player Odean Smith, a West Indian, has Dawid Malan's stats for some reason while he (Malan) has no stats at all!

3. This is more of a minor inconvenience due to lack of research but there are at least three Australian domestic players who have incorrect dates of birth. Obviously again can't be changed.

I know there was some way to be able to edit licensed players who had not had photogrammetry done in C19 by unlinking them or something along the lines of that, but I believe I have seen @GuyIncognito and @wasteyouryouth say that strategy does not work in C22 frustratingly. I have submitted tickets to BA concerning the above mentioned issues.
Finally bought Cricket 22, haven't played a match yet but I did spend about an hour going through the academy and checking out the licensed players. Most of the players that have had photogrammetry done look brilliant. The academy looks a lot easier to navigate, and the graphics definitely look improved.

However just like C19, I noticed that every player that was 'licensed' was completely locked from editing anything bar their skills. Now that creates a few problems such as:

1. Many of the licensed players that have not had photogrammetry and therefore have 'fake appearances' are completely bald, and because of the licensing you cannot edit these players appearances. The only licensing for these types of players is their name, which is pointless as it means they are completely locked as a result. Oh, and Gurinder Sandhu is apparently a pale white guy now...

2. Quite a lot of licensed players players have their stats missing (came across at least 50 players like this), particularly many licensed English players so I assume the BA devs either forgot or ran out of time to fill the stats out while creating these players. Also, get this one player Odean Smith, a West Indian, has Dawid Malan's stats for some reason while he (Malan) has no stats at all!

3. This is more of a minor inconvenience due to lack of research but there are at least three Australian domestic players who have incorrect dates of birth. Obviously again can't be changed.

I know there was some way to be able to edit licensed players who had not had photogrammetry done in C19 by unlinking them or something along the lines of that, but I believe I have seen @GuyIncognito and @wasteyouryouth say that strategy does not work in C22 frustratingly. I have submitted tickets to BA concerning the above mentioned issues.
Yeah this locking of players in licenced teams with a generic face is really annoying. They introduced that with the West Indies DLC in C19. Something changed at that moment I reckon with how BA obtain licenced teams, or they always intended for them to be locked off and didn't realise until quite late in C19's lifespan. Kind of feels like I'm shovelling s**t uphill doing the generic faces for Australian state teams atm if I can't link them for existing career mode saves.
As someone who has never played around with Custom Difficulties, I’m thoroughly enjoying doing so (Or having done so) on Cricket 22. It has been necessary.

Clearly out of the box there’s some annoying predetermined things with AI batting, like the fifth ball smash (Not anymore!) but I’ve adjusted run rates for each format, played around with Wicket Chance and crucially for me, amended Bounce because slow full deliveries going over the stumps really frustrate me. I just played an ODI where I had bowleds, LBWs, caught and bowleds and edges off both pace and spin. Managed to get batting a bit more testing too by adjusting Bowl Quality and Speed. It’s not my intention to constantly change things because of small sample size scenarios. Clearly pitch and players etc has an effect (And it does) but I’ll make further adjustments if something really isn’t quite right. Played around with the Edge/Skill sliders too.

I’m pretty much there with the balance between enjoyment/competitiveness. Admittedly I’ve got the game feeling a bit more like previous ones but that’s a good thing in my opinion, complimented by a beautiful looking score HUD and easy to read scorecard! And the look of the players obviously.

I’m not saying that the game’s perfect. Some leg side shots probably are overpowered but I’m enjoying driving/cutting on the off side. Batsmen going for the odd wander out of their crease, some lackadaisical fielding but for me and I think a few others, the game’s good enough but as always, I’d now like it to be polished then have things added. I know that a lot of others will still be frustrated by many things.

Anyway, looking forward to my second ODI against Jersey (Ben Duckett in need of a score) then it’s off to Kenya for a one-off Test with David Willey chomping at the bit for a left-field Test debut!

They can definitely help for certain issues even if they weren't exactly intended to :). However, in an ideal world they're really there more for each subjective user to tweak certain settings to their optimal or ideal configuration to suit their gameplay. (Having said that, one can't help but wonder if some of these additional settings that seem to have found their way in do perhaps have other motives ;).)

In C19 for a time I used to have three separate custom physics presets specifically for leg spin bowling ((career) all-rounder & a batting all-rounder), one preset for each format respectively. For the most part I used them in C19 before they re-added the later patch or patches that reduced some of the natural drift/turn for all-rounders which also increased the annoying tennis ball bounce issue back up again. After that the presets all got wiped out by an update anyway & I hadn't noted any of them down, so I just used the default physics presets again.

Otherwise, if it's of any additional use to you :)... If you adjust (increase) the drift & turn modifier sliders slightly they can also help to remove some of the worst of the bounce from normal deliveries on the hard pitches too. (If you hadn't already experimented that far?? Obviously you can experiment further but see what you think yourself with regards to the bounce :).) The ball essentially travels a little further through the air with the extra drift & that also generates some extra natural spin/turn of itself too, consequently the ball comes down with a slightly shallower angle of attack which helps with some of the bounce. I found by adjusting those settings (within reason) that I could put the pitch bounce/ball bounce modifiers back up closer to their defaults again too so that they were all a little more balanced rather than having any one modifier being vastly adjusted to the others. Additionally, because the drift is slightly modified, another bonus was I could drag my length back slightly again, a fuller good length delivery will still bounce over the stumps but at least a back of full or an actual full delivery will hit. I also started to see more dismissals from both deliveries that go straight on but more so with top spin if used very sparingly as the extra bounce generated actually seemed to cause hesitation or surprise rather than being a constant regardless.) There was also a tiny bit of late dip, so late it didn't add to the bounce. The AI batsman also became slightly more defensive on their own without my needing to adjust the run rate or wicket chance sliders too. One major downside, however, I went from seeing the classic shoe dismissal/boot bounce dismissal from around about 10% to nearer 55%. Eventually I got that back down to roughly 15% with many sliders only needing small adjustments!! I managed to come up with some decent presets that weren't actually massively far out from the defaults, I didn't need to mess with run rates or wicket chances & the bounce was nearly bearable. (You just need to remember to select the right set of physics presets at the start of each match/innings.)

Sadly, as mentioned all of these presets were lost or I'd have shared them long ago if it might have eased some of these C22 headaches.

C22 obviously still has issues affecting all aspects of the game so I certainly couldn't predict any results of what you might expect, but one would hope such concepts as the laws of physics at least remain a constant between C19 & C22 ;). (Although, the devs certainly seemed to think time was variable within the confines of some cricket ovals lol. I could never quite understand how a delivery bowled at 67mph by a male medium pacer could repeatedly reach a batsman quicker than a 67mph delivery bowled by a female medium pacer lol??? Or, how sometimes, the same effect could be observed between some male & female spin bowlers too. Although, the actual bowling action did seem to play a part with the spinners, whereas with the medium pacers time could suddenly become pretty wonky ;). (Having seen the new settings available in C22 for the "perceived delivery speeds", I have to wonder if that's something that's also been functional in C19 for some time too, albeit the setting itself was never actually made available for we end users to modify?)

I might start having a bit of a poke around with some custom bowling presets again & see if it's possible to tweak out some of the current bad without getting too radical if it'll help others find some acceptable presets :). (Again, I'll do it with an all-round leg spinner as a base but these presets also worked equally as well for the orthodox finger spinners as well.) I haven't bothered yet because we're still stuck with this issue of the game becoming so quickly boring with the batting issues. At least until the game is more polished & up to spec for the online challenges, etc., to be introduced in to C22 that currently exist in C19, then I'll probably revert to using defaults more myself.
You all need to get onto @WealeyH realism/gameplay thread, unless BA change core coding it appears your best hope of more engaging/realistic gameplay :)
Just confirming after applying those are we able to score offside or play offside slog shots. (At hard/hardest level)

If we score via 95-100% leg side shots then whats point in that.

Lets hope if BAS able to balance both side slog/ground shots.
Fellas - when im trying to search for Indian team on the community using a few of the known usernames, Im only seeing random coloured faces with nothing close to the real resemblance. M I missing something here? Pls advise
Why have they changed the colour pallette when editing teams? You cannot get the correct colour or shade ie the Indian test cap.In other areas they have the triangle with the circle on the outside similar to what as been in every other releaswed game.Why do they change things from past releases when they clearly work.

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