Simbazz Chairman of Selectors Joined Dec 10, 2005 Online Cricket Games Owned May 20, 2007 #631 Oh christ, talk about jumping into the deep end. If Bravo gets hold of this one, im ready! Flintoff wanted to see the craze about pure Australian Beef.
Oh christ, talk about jumping into the deep end. If Bravo gets hold of this one, im ready! Flintoff wanted to see the craze about pure Australian Beef.
Will_NA Chairman of Selectors Joined Nov 20, 2006 Online Cricket Games Owned May 20, 2007 #632 Freddie calls for a bigger pedalo...... This spectator was dismayed at his failed attempt to draw attention from himself......
Freddie calls for a bigger pedalo...... This spectator was dismayed at his failed attempt to draw attention from himself......
Leicester Fox Chairman of Selectors Joined Sep 28, 2006 Online Cricket Games Owned May 20, 2007 #633 The Endlands teams attempts to do the YMCA were flawed from the lack of an M and a C I'm only pulling your leg mate,sorry had to be done
The Endlands teams attempts to do the YMCA were flawed from the lack of an M and a C I'm only pulling your leg mate,sorry had to be done
F4rrukh Panel of Selectors Joined Aug 12, 2005 Location Islamabad Online Cricket Games Owned May 20, 2007 #634 Break Dance Maestros showing off their skills on Stamford Bridge.
Will_NA Chairman of Selectors Joined Nov 20, 2006 Online Cricket Games Owned May 20, 2007 #635 The world diving convention gather at Stamford Bridge.
DJ Ager International Cricketer Joined Jun 23, 2005 Location Swindon,UK Online Cricket Games Owned May 21, 2007 #636 "3 pints for me" Strauss takes one hand off his bat as he wonders where his other leg has gone Last edited: May 21, 2007
Will_NA Chairman of Selectors Joined Nov 20, 2006 Online Cricket Games Owned May 21, 2007 #637 "Hmm? There was something I was meant to do to that ball?"
F4rrukh Panel of Selectors Joined Aug 12, 2005 Location Islamabad Online Cricket Games Owned May 21, 2007 #638 Strauss to the keeper "What's up?"
H hollandcricket Club Cricketer Joined Aug 27, 2006 Location The Netherlands Online Cricket Games Owned May 21, 2007 #639 Fred remembers his last fishing trip with Fletcher. "Really, it was like that big"
H0wZ4T! Club Cricketer Joined Dec 17, 2006 Location Maidstone, England Online Cricket Games Owned May 21, 2007 #640 The UK Sychronised Swimming Team gather at Stanford Bridge. Freddie has a paddy because the pavilion aren't cooking bacon rolls today. In an attempt to get him out early, Sarwan glues Strauss to the floor.
The UK Sychronised Swimming Team gather at Stanford Bridge. Freddie has a paddy because the pavilion aren't cooking bacon rolls today. In an attempt to get him out early, Sarwan glues Strauss to the floor.
Simbazz Chairman of Selectors Joined Dec 10, 2005 Online Cricket Games Owned Jun 11, 2007 #641 "'Cos this is thriller, through the matttcccchhhh," (Thriller, MJ Theme tune)
DJ Ager International Cricketer Joined Jun 23, 2005 Location Swindon,UK Online Cricket Games Owned Jun 11, 2007 #642 Fears about Andre Nel's mental health worsen
evertonfan Chairman of Selectors Joined Aug 19, 2005 Location Leeds, UK Online Cricket Games Owned Jun 11, 2007 #643 Westside!!!
F4rrukh Panel of Selectors Joined Aug 12, 2005 Location Islamabad Online Cricket Games Owned Jun 11, 2007 #644 Flintoff "That's a big one!"
Gilly Fan Chairman of Selectors Joined Oct 15, 2006 Location Melbourne Online Cricket Games Owned Jun 12, 2007 #645 I'm too tired. I can't get that. I'm too busy trying to look cool to worry about cricket. The man stole my baby! Chanderpaul: Pphh. Nice try, but you might need some viagra. Whatever your method is, it isn't working. Sammy's wippy would be THIS big if he used some viagra. Well, Chanderpaul was telling me that Sammy was the opposite of this in the showers. geez sammy, you're little twig will be this big if you try my method. Nice butt. But mines better! I'll stop. Last edited: Jun 12, 2007
I'm too tired. I can't get that. I'm too busy trying to look cool to worry about cricket. The man stole my baby! Chanderpaul: Pphh. Nice try, but you might need some viagra. Whatever your method is, it isn't working. Sammy's wippy would be THIS big if he used some viagra. Well, Chanderpaul was telling me that Sammy was the opposite of this in the showers. geez sammy, you're little twig will be this big if you try my method. Nice butt. But mines better! I'll stop.