Fantasy Cricket is back! Give Feedback Here

I just remembered, back in the day, during the 1st ever World T20, we at Fantasy Cricket had the usual competition. However, we also held a separate one for the semis+finals, as was the norm back then.

I believe BLC99 Pressure Play had just launched on PSP Portable then. Planetcricket had a tie up/ partnership wherein the Top 3 got PSP game copies. The winner got a PSP Portable as well. I was actually trying hard to find the thread/ message, but was unable to. guess, some of the old ones have vanished.

the point of mentioning this being- maybe we can have something of this sort in the future- if we have the right partnerships with us.
Any chance of improving the view on wide screens.
Do you have something in mind? I've 90% used out of the box UI so that future upgrades do not break it.

Only on the setup and signup screens have I added custom HTML.

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