Fantasy Byte: Try it out now

Hi, I'm not sure about this, at first i kinda liked the new different way, there is more importance on getting your selection right but when it's long tournaments it seems a bit rubbish that a player could be ruled out after one game and you can't replace them.
Alternatively, we could allow 2 substitutions per match. Otherwise, getting the XI spot on for a longer tournament can be difficult.
when it's long tournaments it seems a bit rubbish that a player could be ruled out after one game and you can't replace them.
Do you mean the allowed sub count is being set low?

Alternatively, we could allow 2 substitutions per match. Otherwise, getting the XI spot on for a longer tournament can be difficult.
This can be done. The sub count is set by the person creating the series. He can set it to a higher count if required. It's not a hard coded value and can differ from one series to another.
I think allowing more subs would sort the issue out. You still only have 5 subs to choose from but can chop and change for games.
Working on the bonus player system....



Also allowed users to view their team once all subs have been exhausted (current version does not allow this)
So you can view your team but the checkboxes and submit button won't be available.

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