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  1. P

    Career mode and Create a player

    oh thats sweet then. How long do u reckon it will take till you get 100 stats for everything? :P
  2. P

    BLIC - I have received mine....1st thoughts.

    how big is the DVD itself? It cant be possibly bigger than BF2.
  3. P

    Career mode and Create a player

    Hey guys, anyone wanna give a small review on how the career mode and create a player is like? I wanna hear about this cheers
  4. P


    yeh, i wonder how often i'll play test matches :P. But theres always the save feature :)
  5. P


    4-5hrs, it takes me 2-2.5hrs to bowl a whole 50 overs
  6. P

    Best 20-20 Scores

    whats your secret of bowling? Good work for getting a hat trick with hogg, his such a crap bowler when i use him :P
  7. P

    What are your 50 over scores

    sh*t, thats awesome lol
  8. P

    Highest twenty20

    lol what, thats like almost as much as i got in Brian Lara Cricket demo :P
  9. P

    fastest 50

    sorry langerrox, but i think i've beaten ur record. Mine one actually display 50 off 9 balls and a better strike rate :P :happy
  10. P

    Best 20-20 Scores

    heres another of mine
  11. P

    fastest 50

    hehe, not bad mate :P
  12. P

    fastest 50

    wow thats nice mate, my fastest is 11 balls with martyn
  13. P

    What are your 50 over scores

    think sure, but since its the demo you cant change the difficulty
  14. P

    Your Highest Batting Score Using THE Expander

    yeh that was me :D but i broken my own record now 930-8 off 50 overs, im disappointed that ricky ponting got out for 307 LBW which was a bad umpire decision as it showed on hawkeye missing the stumps :( Took me 2.5hrs to bat through the whole 50 over
  15. P

    What are your 50 over scores

    Heres my latest score out of the 50 overs: 930 - 8 and also my highest individual score aswell at ponting 307 out. I was dissapointed how ponting got out from an LBW :( could've had a chance to get him to 400mark :P How do u play on hard mode mate?
  16. P

    What are your 50 over scores

    heres my score from 50 overs smash fest :P
  17. P

    Gettin Worried

    man, the demo is on the easiest setting, thats why its such a smash fest. I reckon codies have done great job on it, many ppl may want to just smash it around the place and the easiest setting on BLIC has just give us that. Im sure hard difficulty will be like EA cricket 2005