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  1. R

    Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

    Just been to my local game and they had two copies on the shelve next to duck tales seems like these games go together for some reason. Glad I pre ordered though got the game yesterday and living it sir Stuart Broad got a 100 vs oz in my first test match still lost by a long way though.
  2. R

    Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

    Its here just updating my teams then gonna have my first match.:yes:yes
  3. R

    Post your questions about the game here!

    I know this has been may have been asked many time before but just so I know. Will the teams be ready to download on release day. Also will the England teams be separate like if I download the England T20 squad will it be call England T20 as otherwise I will have loads of teams called England.