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  1. Seoken

    Your Cricket The Art of Offspin.

    Kaos don't worry about your action, it is your own. It looks great, you seem to turn the ball quite a bit. The only thing i would suggest is come from the other side of the stumps it will get you into a better position for pitching the ball out side the off stump (which you want as a left arm...
  2. Seoken

    Your Cricket The Backlift

    Well if you've got time to think about the shot your playing, then well, your doing good.
  3. Seoken

    Your Cricket The Backlift

    I've only ever had to concentrate on the ball, never the shot. I believe the shot should come from instinct, not conscious decision. If your trying to choose a shot consciously don't it can do all sorts of things to your game, all of which are bad. Oh and to help the thread, i'd say don't...
  4. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    It's easy, get cleared, change clubs; i had to sign one form and that was the one for the new club. I play U17 on the gold coast. And our last match got rained out.... Q.Q thats three matches affected by rain.
  5. Seoken

    Your Cricket How Do You Bowl Fast Without Putting Too much Strain on Your Back

    It's usually the last delivery stride. Most bowlers believe that a big jump is a good thing for generating pace, and it is, at a price; your back. Dennis lille said in an interview i watched, that his problem was he was jumping to high and landing on his back foot to hard which in turn sent a...
  6. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Match before last we WON! 5/192 to 10/180 or so. I also changed clubs, because out team had 6 guys that are leaving after the christmas break, how ridiculous is that? But back to the match, ironically it was against the team i had just left. Didn't get to bat tough.... would have felt nice to...
  7. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    We won 114 to 112. I opened in our second innings and was number 7 in our first innings and got two ducks......... although i lasted longer in our second innings then most other batsmen in our side.
  8. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    It was the pitch, it was really soft, shame our spinners where bowling full tosses they would have taken more wickets. And their where to many missed chances in the field. 2 dropped catches and something like 5 missed catches. As-well as something like 3 runout opportunities missed. Oh and yeah...
  9. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Good match today, was a 28/28 over match. They scored 61 and we beat them with 10 overs to spare. Didn't get a chance to bat, but got a runout so that was fun.
  10. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Hopefully this week the match will be on, the first two weeks have been washed-out. So much BS!
  11. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Nah this is my third season this year, i can't wait because of how far i've developed in my batting. Was looking forward to hit some boundaries yesterday.
  12. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Was ment to play today but 3 days of rain screws that up. So hopefully next week shall be the first match.
  13. Seoken

    Your Cricket What cricket bat do you use?

    I say go buy a laver & wood their custom made. I've just got one. The bat i got has edges 3.5cm thick and i love it.
  14. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Sweet batting at number 6 this saturday, i knew i'd be either number 1 or 6. I'll tell you all how i go, figures ect.
  15. Seoken

    Your Cricket The Art of Offspin.

    This is a very esoteric discussion it could be the type of batsman these days then the bowler. Jeff Thomson craps all over any spinner anyway, he didn't even play internationally for 5 years and took 200 wickets, better then any spinner i would presume.
  16. Seoken

    Your Cricket Buying a new Laver & wood bat

    3.5 cm it's bloody massive.
  17. Seoken

    Your Cricket Buying a new Laver & wood bat

    It's finally here. It's definitely the biggest edge i've ever seen. A-bit different from what i was expecting but hey i'm not complaining.
  18. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    I vary where i stand, each ball i'm in a different spot. I don't think bowlers like it.
  19. Seoken

    Your Cricket Buying a new Laver & wood bat

    We bought it about 4 weeks ago but it's taken this long for them to make it and send it so... yeah.
  20. Seoken

    Your Cricket Buying a new Laver & wood bat

    Got an email from them yesterday, should have it within a few days. I'll post pictures as soon as i open it.