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  1. M Hoggard

    Whats your worst score

    My worst was 46 all out on my first ever batting innings on the game :(
  2. M Hoggard

    Football Thread

    Leeds United 3-0 Sheffield Titsday Went to the game yesterday, great atmopshere and what a great performance. Cresswell was a complete pain in the ass for the Sheffield defence and they couldn't handle him at all. Hopefully Liverpoo' can beat Manure today :happy
  3. M Hoggard

    Edited Sky Sports Pause Menu

    Looks really good mate, well done
  4. M Hoggard

    Story England's Sub Continent Tour

    Plunkett Shows His Qualities Liam Plunkett who was a doubt to play in this match has shown why he should be an England regular. Plunkett was thrown in at the deepend after a batting collapse by everyone who's attempted anything big. Plunkett has plodded along and raced past Pietersen who's...
  5. M Hoggard

    Story England's International Season [c2005] - Eng's tour of Pak

    Great story M_Vaughan, top stuff :D
  6. M Hoggard

    Story England's Sub Continent Tour

    England Continue To Fall England wicket keeper Geraint Jones piled on the misery for England. Mortaza continues to rage through the England batting order. Jones went to drive the ball for a boundary but didn't catch the ball full on and it looped in the air to Bashar. England must be kicking...
  7. M Hoggard

    Story England's Sub Continent Tour

    Collingwood Can't Hack It Anymore Paul Collingwood made a measly 27 before falling victim to Bangladesh. Collingwood tried flicking off his waist but it took off his bat in the air and Habibul Bashar was in the right place at the right time to bend over and take the catch. That meant Syed Rasel...
  8. M Hoggard

    Story England's Sub Continent Tour

    England vs. Bangladesh - Dhaka Vaughan Goes Early England captain Michael Vaughan only made 16 before falling victime to Mortaza. Vaughan could of left the short delivery alone but he played a defensive stroke and it took a wicked bounce snipped Vaughans bat and fell to Javed Omer Belim in...
  9. M Hoggard

    Capturing Screenshots

    Do you have to pay for it, worked earlier but now whenevere I try copying images or saving them it says I have to pay :(
  10. M Hoggard

    Story England's Sub Continent Tour

    Don't know tbh I prefer Collingwood to Bell :rolleyes:
  11. M Hoggard

    Story England's Sub Continent Tour

    Thanks for the feedback lads, keep it coming :hpraise ___________________________________________________ Match Conditions Looks like a surface that will help the batters. It's a dry, sunny day which the bowlers will struggle on. No doubt if Vaughan wins the toss he'll choose to bat and...
  12. M Hoggard

    Story England's Sub Continent Tour

    England Look Set For A Good Tour England have touched down looking for a good tour in the sub continent. england start off with a test match against lowly Bangladesh. Everyone is predicting an England win but upsets do happen. There is talk of Liam Plunkett coming in for Simon Jones. Only time...
  13. M Hoggard

    Capturing Screenshots

    Fraps isn't working, when I run Fraps followed by Cricket nothing appears and when I press the appropriate key it doesn't capture anything. Anyone got any suggestions
  14. M Hoggard

    Error [Please Help]

    That's it BarmyArmy, I do have the latest roster without the batpack
  15. M Hoggard

    Error [Please Help]

    I get this error, I was starting a test match and it occured. It's only just started doing this. Please can someone help
  16. M Hoggard

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    I was playing against Bangladesh and was walking it so I simulated the rest of my batting and then my game just quit back to the desktop, I think it was this that did it :(
  17. M Hoggard


    Well, I feel like playing with England in a tour but as soon as I start the match all I want to do is quit :(
  18. M Hoggard


    I'm quite bored with Cricket at the moment, anyone got any suggestions on who to be and an interesting team maybe
  19. M Hoggard

    Poll - Best commentators For Cricket 2006/7

    Benaud and Boycott own tbh
  20. M Hoggard

    The Spin's Download Thread

    Can't argue with feedback here, giving this a go now. I'll report back later :)