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  1. S

    PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

    About 5 minutes before the warm up I think. We'll get the plague if we hang around too long. Also I think we're flying on the Victoria's Secret private jet!
  2. S

    PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

    You know how to read mate. It's exactly what you guys have been posting, and you have no where near the quality (maybe Hoopers excepted) of Panda and Amos' posting. If you say that, take a look at your own members posts. Yeah, a word can be a big thing. But whats the 'f word' or the 's word'...
  3. S

    PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

    You will be hailing it after we win the series 7-0. :hpraise Yeah, we may talk bullshit off the field, but we certainly let our remarkable ability (as you agree with me) talk on the field for us. We all know you've got completely no confidence in yourselves, deleting every swear word...
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    PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

    Well I've produced avatars for everyone from TFFSL to use. It's got swearing in it, and I want to know whether I'm allowed to change it to ****, or completely new words. Sorry if I didn't make much sense before. [EDIT - BTW with my current avatar, It was a test to see whether I could...
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    PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

    Hey so you can't even put ****? Just asking because we've got some nice juicey avatars getting made for all us TFers, I'll edit out the swearing but I need to know whats allowed to change it.
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    PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

    This is going to be a great series, especially with Amos and Hammy going at PC! We're here for one reason, to belt the crap out of PC!
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    PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

    Carn TFFSL. I probably won't make the team but I'm here to support the boys (and Newbrygrl/Girlpower if they make it!) smash these no-hopers.
  8. S

    New Members sign up here

    Hey, i'm up for a game. I am currently in the TFFCL and Stick Sports cricsim league. Specky - Full Time Bowler Right Hand Bat Slow Left Arm Orthodox Spin Willing to change if it's allowed to fit into a team.