PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Oh, I'm sorry it just seemed that one of your own members was going on about it like the world was ending.

I dearly hope he isn't in your side for both of our sakes.
I wonder how long you spent nitpicking that post to make sure you had absolutely no grammar errors whatsoever?

If you wanted to get really picky...

"not the suggestion you make: brush up my grammar"

Instead of using a colon, shouldn't be using a semi colon?

Sorry, Mr. Grammar, I should know not to mess with you.

If this is the general sort of members that PC has, this tour is going to be filled with woeful banter.

Oh, I'm sorry it just seemed that one of your own members was going on about it like the world was ending.

I dearly hope he isn't in your side for both of our sakes.
Oh please... I had a one-liner in my original post but your token drunk cheerleader decided to pick on that instead of the rest of my post? Bag me because I'm defending myself? It'll be quite hypocritical then when you are attempting to recover whilst playing with your backs against the wall.
Jimmy is here and is ready to take the PC bowlers to the cleaners. With the talent we have, this tour will be a breeze
Oh please... I had a one-liner in my original post but your token drunk cheerleader decided to pick on that instead of the rest of my post? Bag me because I'm defending myself? It'll be quite hypocritical then when you are attempting to recover whilst playing with your backs against the wall.

Our backs against the wall.. haha, mate, please stop there, don't give us more things to quote mid way through the tour as we are smashing you guys.

This should be a walkover. You are bloody rubbish.
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Nice to see you pop in here Jimmy.
Hey Blake. I reckon he's serious. Just promise to hook him up with some inflatable gladiators and walk slowly towards the exit. Everyone's calm, just going for a walk.
Well lets see it's just an old habit of u guys to talk and do nothing last time round the_spin ruined y'all it would be nice to have him this time but he isn't there this time but rest assured we will ruin you,thats a guaran-damn-tee So if u better not open your mouths before the tour better for y'all at least u'll save up some honour in shutting up and having something interesting to say

Jimmy is here and is ready to take the PC bowlers to the cleaners. With the talent we have, this tour will be a breeze

And by the way just hope mr.jimmy u don't sway away with the breeze instead of the bowlers TFFSL-Talk Filthy,Fast,Stupid & Lose wasn't that your abbreviation?Seriously u jabroni's daydream alot nowadays not a problem keep ur spirits high there are many years still to go u can win one of them when we all are resting in our graves.
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Oh wow DPRA, you have 47 posts over here and 2000+ on TF? Surely that's not much of a comparison, stop acting like your a regular anywhere. Actually, why don't you support PlanetCricket for a bit, TF could use a break.

And, H123768, obviously Sohummisra hasn't seen you before.
Well lets see it's just an old habit of u guys to talk and do nothing last time round the_spin ruined y'all it would be nice to have him this time but he isn't there this time but rest assured we will ruin you,thats a guaran-damn-tee So if u better not open your mouths before the tour better for y'all at least u'll save up some honour in shutting up and having something interesting to say

And by the way just hope mr.jimmy u don't sway away with the breeze instead of the bowlers TFFSL-Talk Filthy,Fast,Stupid & Lose wasn't that your abbreviation?Seriously u jabroni's daydream alot nowadays not a problem keep ur spirits high there are many years still to go u can win one of them when we all are resting in our graves.
Just wondering if you have ever heard of one of these > .
I really dont know who i want to win because i post on both, arrghh!
Must be hard deciding between a forum where you have 3500 posts and one with 47 posts. Decisions decisions! Nah go and support them actually. Please.
Why does everybody say 'TTSFL'? Are you that incompetent you can't even remember a simple abbreviation? You aren't the first member I've seen do it.

Take Forum Fantasy Sports League.

You guys are weak. You have your own member firing off weak sledges about grammar, when in reality you are shocking. If you play as incompetently as you talk, this will be the easiest series ever.
Carn TFFSL. I probably won't make the team but I'm here to support the boys (and Newbrygrl/Girlpower if they make it!) smash these no-hopers.

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