PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Won't let me bet for some reason ACDC. I would be all in otherwise on a TF win. Where's the option for the clean sweep though? Badly lacking.
Planet Cricket eh?

Sounds like a bunch of space cadets to me.

TF to blow these guys off the planet!
shame that isn't it blakey? i'd be in with you i think...shall we "suggest" such an option? i've found that me being a big ol angry purple hippo happens to change some peoples minds ;)
hey up lads....

just thought i'd pop in and see how we're all going on this foreign soil...bit like wales is nice, when dry and the people are as wet as the country ;) TF Tornadoes are gonna destroy this rabble like a toffee hammer cracking an egg
Hey Hulla, remember when we went spamming all those crappy forums to try and get members, and we got banned?

I think this was one of these crappy forums. :p They wont know whats hit them after the first game. Panda taking 5 fas, and Hulla scoring 100s.
Hey guys, better make sure all your grammar and spelling is correct. There is a spelling & grammar police officer somewhere here and they won't be happy when they see some of this. He might even correct it for you! :eek:
Hey Hulla, remember when we went spamming all those crappy forums to try and get members, and we got banned?

I think this was one of these crappy forums. :p They wont know whats hit them after the first game. Panda taking 5 fas, and Hulla scoring 100s.

bit of a conservative guess there my fellow mammal.....where's your confidence gone mate? you've got a big enough set of stones, bears don't really tend to hide em...
bit of a conservative guess there my fellow mammal.....where's your confidence gone mate? you've got a big enough set of stones, bears don't really tend to hide em...
I think that 1/200 (well i felt like that) against the Rangers took some wind out of my sails.

But do not fear, Panda is on the drugs and ready to perform in this series.
You got the TakeForum Flag? We'll conquer and call this planet our own.

Do we really need to conquer Planet Cricket?
From what I've seen since I've signed up there doesn't seem to be anyone except TF members here...
I reckon we can get away with claiming this site as "Terra Nullius"
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For the amount of members PC has, the amount of banter they are doing is pissweak.

They are crap.

I almost want someone else to post now, see what crap they will say.
You Beauty!!

I've got $500 vcash. How do I put the lot on TF? Easiest money I've ever made:D
bedtime time for the PCers. Perhaps it really was the curfew.


Seems Huss has been asked that the game be finished by 8pm, or the series is off :help
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