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  1. C

    Microsoft Office 2010 beta

    The Ribbon is now customisable, in 07 you couldnt change it too much if at all. Also 2010 will use the Office Live service (Im not sure if 07 does tbh I havent tried it).
  2. C

    How are you going in Ashes Cricket 2009?

    I'm finding spinners get wickets much easier than pace bowlers regardless of conditions. But I love how much more realistic the edges are, and how good line and length is rewarded. The AI still play some questionable shots in ODI 50 overs once they have gotten themselves in, usually around...
  3. C

    How are you going in Ashes Cricket 2009?

    Something I have found in the beta patch, is batsmen leaving alot of deliveries that seam to hit the top of the stumps, usually by a cutter or off-spinner. The ai pacing seems much better and bowling good lengths now seems to result in the ai being more careful. I love the edges you can get...
  4. C

    Return to moon will cost $137b: NASA

    Well temps on Mars range from -ve god knows what up to 80 or so degrees. Yes, launching from the moon would in theory, be "cheaper" in the very very very long run. Man will not be on Mars within the next fifty years i can guarantee that. WHY? Because we have our own problems to sort out here...
  5. C

    BLIC Full Version - Views, Opinions and Reviews

    Is BLC a stats kinbda game, i mean in the 99 version, your stats accumulated over every match u played. Does this happen in this version, in cric2005 u only get stats for the tournament then they reset for new tournaments. I am a statsy kind of person so i would really like to know. Also...
  6. C

    Out in Australia today

    Got my copy from EB also, must say the only thing that bugs me is when the fielder gets the ball, the sound sounds like the ball hitting the bail. Bit annoying but apart from that i think EA have finally got it relatively right. Batting is a challenge, in both forms, and bowling is finally...
  7. C

    One mode of cricket neglected...

    (From a town far far away) Oh well, suppose they have to fix the numerous problems with the game they have now.
  8. C

    One mode of cricket neglected...

    Anyone thought why one form of cricket is not included... INDOOR CRICKET. I remember fifa99 or one of the early ones had indoor soccer, so i would like to see indoor cricket brought into a future release. Opinions anyone...
  9. C

    Cricket 2005 Demo Released - Views, Opinions and Reviews

    My first post even though i have been here so many times. Why on earth is there no commentary in the demo...for crying out loud. The commentary on the videos didnt convicne me, it becomes annoying. I have read that BLIC is having official names, yet on the video the names arent the real ones...