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  1. N

    Problem ... help please ...

    I don't understand what are trying to say. Can you please explain what you want to convey ? Apart from that , the Manual is very badly written. It's not easy for the new player to follow. I'm trying to get the things clear ; but when I don't understand something or don't get something to...
  2. N

    Problem ... help please ...

    Which button actually stops the Power Meter for bowler ? Every time I get confused with this issue. Please tell me either the button or the Page of manual where it is mentioned. Thanks a lot for your help. I'm learning it with great pace only because of you all ! Thanks a million !
  3. N

    Problem ... help please ...

    Hello ! I'm facing 3 problems for which I couldn't find any solution up till hence decided to post it here ... [1] While batting , when batters run to take runs , they travel too far in the oposite side creez ; hence they take a little longer time to complete the second run. This many a...
  4. N

    What is Six Hit Button ?

    Great ! Thanks for the tip brad352. There I was wrong. I was pressing D : advance shot and then the arrow key ; but no where the front/back foot shot keys. Now , I think I have to practice it in Nets to time the shot correctly. Thanks once again.
  5. N

    What is Six Hit Button ?

    Thanks a lot. Just what I was not understanding ... Still , I'm not able to give the direction to my shot. How to give directiob to the shot ? I couldn't find any control in the Control Map for that. You all talk about the different shots. The manual also has explained it with one...
  6. N

    What is Six Hit Button ?

    Hello everybody ; I'm new to this game and facing few difficulties with controls. After reading the manual ; I'm more confused about few things. I'm not getting followings ... [1] Six Hit button : In the Game Controls ; there is Left Shift button assigned to this activity. I tried to...
  7. N

    Help me please ...

    Thanks for your reply and help and also suggesting the website where I can find the name of this game !! I'll write to EA for manual ; and then I think Page-by-Page help provided by FishBowlMan will be quite helpful. Please don't misunderstand me. I was upset to see such response ; that's...
  8. N

    Help me please ...

    As I just said ; I couldn't find Cricket2004 game information on EA website. I visited the website which is shown on first screen of Game as : When I tried to write them about the manual ; Product List does not contain the name of this Game. What's wrong ? Am I on wrong...
  9. N

    Help me please ...

    Also , I visited the website of EA Sports ( ; but on that website ; I couldn't find the name of this game anywhere !! Is there any other website ?
  10. N

    Help me please ...

    You're right ! Yes ; you're right. But then , can you please help me in learning this game. Please tell me the controls to handle the swing of the ball and stuff like that which I have mentioned in my first post. Thanks & Regards.
  11. N

    Help me please ...

    Hello ! I have just got this game as a gift from one of my friends Well, he gave me the game ; but there is no help on how to play it. Is there any ? Please tell me how to play this game. Till selection of team and players and all that stuff ; its ok. But as I played in Cricket 2000 ...