Help me please ...


School Cricketer
Apr 8, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hello !

I have just got this game as a gift from one of my friends Well, he gave me the game ; but there is no help on how to play it. Is there any ?

Please tell me how to play this game. Till selection of team and players and all that stuff ; its ok. But as I played in Cricket 2000 ; there I can adjust the swing of ball and also can play the shot with Z and X keys and adjusting the directions with arrow keys on NumPad.

Nothing is similar in 2004 version. So please tell me how can I do the same stuff in Cricket 2004 game.

The game looks good ; but I can't play it. In fact ; when I start the match ; everything happens on its own. Nothing is in my hands.

Also the toss ... where is that ? Oh !! I'm very much confused.

Please tell me where can I get the step-by-step instructions on how to play this game.

Waiting for your valuable reply ...
Just a slight variation on the lost manual- this time he didn't get one at all :D
You're right !

Yes ; you're right.

But then , can you please help me in learning this game. Please tell me the controls to handle the swing of the ball and stuff like that which I have mentioned in my first post.

Thanks & Regards.
LOL, people are very skeptical of lost manuals, so i don't think that you'll recieve much more help, than check your manual, if you dont have a manual write to EA to send you one.
Also , I visited the website of EA Sports ( ; but on that website ; I couldn't find the name of this game anywhere !!

Is there any other website ?
Yeah - the others are being a bit vague here aren't they?

Here are more specific answers to your requests.

Swing and seam is simple. What you need to do is follow what's written on pages 12 and 13 of the manual.

Shot controls are covered on page 8 of your manual.

The toss occurs when you would expect the toss to occur in a game of cricket.

You want step by step instructions, I suggest you read pages 1 thru 32 inclusive of your manual. If you do not understand what is written in your manual, I would suggest you try the support centre suggested in your manual. If you are in the UK, you can go to

For other countries, ask on the forum, for appropriate EA websites for customer support.

Hope this helps
Originally posted by FishBowlMan
Yeah - the others are being a bit vague here aren't they?

Here are more specific answers to your requests.

Swing and seam is simple. What you need to do is follow what's written on pages 12 and 13 of the manual.

Shot controls are covered on page 8 of your manual.

The toss occurs when you would expect the toss to occur in a game of cricket.

You want step by step instructions, I suggest you read pages 1 thru 32 inclusive of your manual. If you do not understand what is written in your manual, I would suggest you try the support centre suggested in your manual. If you are in the UK, you can go to

For other countries, ask on the forum, for appropriate EA websites for customer support.

Hope this helps

talk about raining on your parade :D
As I just said ; I couldn't find Cricket2004 game information on EA website. I visited the website which is shown on first screen of Game as :

When I tried to write them about the manual ; Product List does not contain the name of this Game. What's wrong ? Am I on wrong website ?

And by the way ; it's ok that I don't have Manual and hence asking the information. Why nobody here around is kind enough to share your information with me ? Just because I don't have manual and asking for the information which may be in the manual ; will you all just keep on laughing at me ? Why don't you just drop few lines about the controls in your reply ?! I just can't understand this.

The manual anyways is going to have the information. Then EA will send me that ; but then why this forum is here ???

No guys. You all are little harsh on me. Please drop few lines about the controls and hints regarding the issues which I mentioned in my first message ...

Hope that you'll help me ... in the mean while ... keep laughing at me; it's ok. But I hope that you'll drop few lines to help me out to learn "How to play ..."

Waiting for your valuable reply ...
If you have a legit version of the game, you will surely have a manual supplied with it. That's why people are sceptical about these "my dog ate my manual" threads.

The address I supplied was for the EA helpline. Not the standard - that is more concerned with the US / Canadian releases which does not include cricket (I believe)

And if you think we are giving you a hard time, try asking this question on the forum. You may get a different response.
Thanks for your reply and help and also suggesting the website where I can find the name of this game !!

I'll write to EA for manual ; and then I think Page-by-Page help provided by FishBowlMan will be quite helpful.

Please don't misunderstand me. I was upset to see such response ; that's it. You all are quite helpful , I know ; and nowhere I want to say that you are giving me hard time.

Thanks once again.

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