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  1. S

    Config editor version 4

    Thanks, I thought i was going barmy(army)! (deffo said v4 though - very odd). Cheers
  2. S

    Config editor version 4

    Does anyone know where i can get the above file as I believe i need it to run tutsi's ai version 7(unless i can i use config v2 as i already have this)? I've trawled the downloads section but can't seem to find it anywhere! as always any help gratefully received, Cheers
  3. S

    Tutsi's AI V5.4

    Hi Guys, Tried to download tutsi's AI V5.4 earlier (as I'm up to V5 already!) and am receiving same message as before "The requested URL was not found on this server." Any help as always gratefully received. Cheers
  4. S

    I used to have a life.....

    Thanks for that, haven't got the patchmaker & am unable to open RAR. files, do I need specifific software? When you say you are originally from that neck of the woods does that mean you have moved?
  5. S

    I used to have a life.....

    ......till I found this site!!! Right, up to now I have Sams exe, a variety of bat & logo stuff (all excellent by the way), & Tutsi's AI upgrade V4 loaded, the problem now is installing versions 4.1-5.4 of tutsi's as I apparently need Barmies' kit updated GOB. I have downloaded the 7 RAR files...
  6. S

    Eventually he played a game of cricket.....

    Thanks for that. To paraphrase Morrisey 'I was lookin' for a lineup editor & i found a lineup editor & heaven knows I'm confused now'!!! Cheers.
  7. S

    Eventually he played a game of cricket.....

    I tried all the various editor version downloads (which look great by the way)but keep getting message saying "The requested URL was not found on this server". Have they been removed or something
  8. S

    Eventually he played a game of cricket.....

    .....but before he played the game he attempted to download aforementioned V4 lineup editor but couln't locate it via the link, any help on getting my hands on it would be most gratefully received. Cheers
  9. S

    Help, patch virgin here

    Thanks for that I now seem to have the hang of it, just need to learn how to bat now!!!
  10. S

    Help, patch virgin here

    Thanks for that, exe file 7 bats seem fine only problem now is where to install roster files (Roster.Pak, team updates etc) to!
  11. S

    Help, patch virgin here

    I've downloaded several patches including Sams_cricket_2004_exe & the roster.pak but have no idea how or where to install them to, please help as whenever I save they game Paul collingwood turns into Matthew Hoggard & I'd quite like the opportunity to spank Warney all over the park now that he's...