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  1. Resolution

    Review My Ashes Cricket 2009 Review

    Nice little write up there m8. Good to see your pleased with it. I'm going to be picking it up on the 8th. Look forward to seeing if you do a batting review :)
  2. Resolution

    Ashes Cricket 2009 Demo Problems Thread

    Thats absolutely terrible. They can get one out for the 360 and pc but not the ps3, unless i'm missing something here....
  3. Resolution

    PC demo released

    It ran, but everything was too jerky to play propperly :( 1.8 Ghz Athlon 1GB Ram Geforce 6800 Windows XP
  4. Resolution

    PC demo released

    Finished downloading, taking about 20 minutes to install it though! Not holding out much hope that it will run even on the lowest of the low settings :(
  5. Resolution

    Next Codemasters game - Ashes Cricket 2009

    To get around this you have to use the bowling system that allows it to look like your bowling an outswinger but just before delivery use the inswing delivery (example). Therefore your opponent sat in the room is still none the wiser :)
  6. Resolution

    Demo Speculation

    I'd imagine we will see a demo at the back end of july area, if not then early august.
  7. Resolution

    Demo Speculation

    Well then, lets hope for a stupendous amount of rain :D Wangle a draw out of the first test we should surely lose, and hey presto, on the road to recovery.
  8. Resolution

    Demo Speculation

    Face it, nobody has a fecking clue.
  9. Resolution

    Ashes Cricket 2009 Release Date

    Our best bet at the moment is 7th of August i believe.
  10. Resolution

    Ashes2009 will you buy and use it?

    Even back foot shots are played off the back foot. Tbh all the time i sit in my chair because i sit in my chair. :D <---
  11. Resolution

    Ashes2009 will you buy and use it?

    I will, it will make an awesome doorstop.
  12. Resolution

    Next Codemasters game - Ashes Cricket 2009

    Wish codies would just stop all of this by giving us confirmed dates lol.
  13. Resolution

    Wii Version Screenshots

    In that case they look pretty good considering this is the Wii were talking about here :)
  14. Resolution

    Demo Speculation

    Aye up. You've got information we want :D
  15. Resolution

    Gamespot UK Podcast

    Cheers m8, i'll keep an eye on this :)
  16. Resolution

    Ashes Cricket 2009 [Release Date: still unknown]

    Perhaps they are waiting for last minute squad releases for the ashes, then they know how many new player models they might have to russtle up etc etc. Just incase there are any last minutes additions you know. I can't see it being "too" long before they give us a release date set it stone...
  17. Resolution

    New Screenshots (18 June)

    Nice work :)
  18. Resolution

    Ashes Cricket 2009 [Release Date: still unknown]

    Codies still haven't actually specified a release date so these are still subject to change.
  19. Resolution

    Ashes Cricket 2009 Unconfirmed and Old Release Dates!!!!

    I'll hold you to that haha :D
  20. Resolution

    Ashes Cricket 2009 Unconfirmed and Old Release Dates!!!!

    If i'm not mistaken, Codies still have not confirmed a date so therefore those dates you've posted are all subject to change?