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  1. F

    Story India Embarks On an International Season- so does the whole world

    This game is very close. Good luck Sachin!
  2. F

    Story England's International Season (Sep 2004 Onwards) [C2005]

    M Vaughan what an amazing story. I've just read the entire thread and not got bored once. It's like watching cricket!
  3. F

    Story India Embarks On an International Season- so does the whole world

    Well done Sachin. Good luck in your batting innings but knowing you it'll be over before the fielding restrictions are let up!
  4. F

    a great idea

    Great ideas people. If any of these were put into BLIC 05 it would make the game that much better.
  5. F

    Story England's Tour of Australia - 2005 - The Ashes

    Great win mate, good luck in the 2nd Test and great read.
  6. F

    Story England's Tour of Australia - 2005 - The Ashes

    Good luck mate, i'm sure you'll win it.
  7. F

    Story My first World Cup

    oooh this match is close. Good luck Trescothick. Great read.
  8. F

    Story World Championship in WI....

    I'd say Ahktar or Sehwag. Great thread by the way, brilliant read.
  9. F

    Story England's Tour of Australia - 2005 - The Ashes

    Great read mate, good luck.