a great idea


There has to be something in the game which would make it tough for the new batsman and tailenders.
J.Coney said:
i'm not convinced that's a good idea, an idea "yes" but good well...
i think the curser should appear in a small time frame the longer your batsmen stays at the crease the longer the curser remains visible, maybe for the tail enders it takes an extremely long time before the curser becomes visible. also if your playing against a mate how's he going to place a crser he can't even see.

With ideas like that you should apply for a job at codemasters!
wow!! i did'nt expect such a postive appriase, it would be great to see my idea utilized, it would bring alot of realism to the game via quite a simple system. Hopefully codemaster is taking note. A CV is forthcoming.
Good idea J.Coney. :clap Perhaps when bowling in 2 player mode you should be able to move the pitch of the ball at the last moment.

Or picture this;

You bowl using a large circle (worse bowlers have a smaller circle and harder to place), Once pitched, it should come up with 4 options (x, o, square and triangle for PS2 users) either sides of the circle, you then press the button where you would like to place the ball. That way, Batsman really have to think. Get me? :upray
jdbais said:

There has to be something in the game which would make it tough for the new batsman and tailenders.
I liked the patch that made the cursor appear right before the bowler delivered the ball - that was a suitable step up in difficulty....
Looks like the batsman and the bowler will be able to m ake last second adjustments to their shots/delivery which will make multiplayer especially, much more rewarding. Which in turn makes this idea even better.
Great ideas people. If any of these were put into BLIC 05 it would make the game that much better.
Guys i acutlay started this thread shouldnt i suppose to get all these good comments instead of j coney?

Oh well :(
fardin said:
Guys i acutlay started this thread shouldnt i suppose to get all these good comments instead of j coney?

Oh well :(
Because you started the thread you should get praise for his good idea?
That's like saying Oh I created the building all Microsoft products were created in, so therefore I should get all the profits from the products sold.

Sorry to say Fardin, it just doesn't work that way

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