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  1. B

    **Fantasy Football World Cup in association with Codemasters

    wooo hooo! i got 5th , well played all that was great ! cheers :happy
  2. B

    **Fantasy Football World Cup in association with Codemasters

    lol i think he played allright.... i really wish he never tho , the little b*****d :cutit
  3. B

    **Fantasy Football World Cup in association with Codemasters

    hi all again , just thaught id say i have ?????????? next to my name on the first page of this thread , and i am - bett's barmy army. cheers
  4. B

    **Fantasy Football World Cup in association with Codemasters

    wow lucky i didnt have any czech players :) i think ill be moving up alot after today (bett's barmy army )
  5. B

    **Fantasy Football World Cup in association with Codemasters

    hi all ! i forgot my password so i couldnt post before but my team is Bett's Barmy Army !! oh and ive got some big players playing inthe next couple of days ;) , maybe if i didnt leave henry and gallas out i would of done a bit better :( goodluck all!
  6. B

    Eddie's Gameplay patch

    yep sorry eddie , i like this patch , cant say ive found many problems , alltho sometimes the straight drive goes a liitle squarer . good work edd
  7. B

    Germaloid's Cooling Spray

    Mine runs pretty smooth , i have turned everything on full i have geforce 6600 256mb amd 64 3200 1 gig pc3200 400mhz alltho im having the same trouble as most with batting but lets not go into that theres allready 50 threads about it!
  8. B

    What JoyStick To Buy ?

    id recomend that too , thats what i use its verry simple
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    How much runs did you score?

    in my tour of aus i scored 248 against CAX , i batted first and rele went for it , not taking to much risk . Then to my disapointment i bowld them all out for under 50 :(, thats my biggest odi score
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    3rd umpire decisions and lbw's

    :) ive just learnt how to dive with my control pad so it aint as often
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    3rd umpire decisions and lbw's

    i didnt say it went to 3rd umpire? any way i didnt know u allreay knew.
  12. B

    3rd umpire decisions and lbw's

    Hi all, not sure if you lot have noticed this but on my pc version everytime theres a close run out or an lbw and it goes to the umpire or 3rd umpire to watch the tv replay if u look at ur score it gives you out before u even see the replay! same with an lbw shout , it looks to the umpire and...
  13. B

    Close in fielders scare easy

    i have noticed this.... quite anoying but i happen to have 1 there while bowling a fast bowler and he stoped a few singles by the ball just hitting him :)
  14. B

    Good News I Have Found The Stroke Files!

    Good work eddie all worked fine for me too , i noticed the difference in the first 10 overs, i agree about the out fields there very quick! , once again thanks eddie i think the ppl who are having trouble renaming need to look at what pat wrote as that worked for me