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  1. jimmynolegs777

    Sky Sports TV overlay

    Please can you fix that problem so we can use the overlay? :)
  2. jimmynolegs777

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Good patch. However, i think it makes the game a bit too easy. I think if the shots were toned down slightly so they were not as powerful it would be better. Just my opinion, not found anything bad about it thought. Nice work.
  3. jimmynolegs777

    Off drive

    lol, i hate having to reach over to the mouse to press "resume" aswell. Its well annoying. You just got to practice though really. I, and probably most others that got the game found it hard like you. I have played a few matches in the county season as Worcester and now i can get scores of...
  4. jimmynolegs777

    Off drive

    After playing for a while i have been able to score off on/off drives, getting the odd 4 aswell. I dont bother with advancing down the wicket, just wait for a wide-ish half volley or one towards the leg side and try that.........took me about 2 4 day county championship matches to get the hang...
  5. jimmynolegs777

    Im absolutely S*** at batting :(

    Thanks Intrancer, will try later :) Aldersly, i find bowling so much easier than batting, lol. What is it you find hard about bowling?
  6. jimmynolegs777

    Im absolutely S*** at batting :(

    Yeah, your right. Practice is probably the only way to improve because surely they wouldnt have released the game knowing that it is impossible to score runs. However, some people on the forum are obviously able to bat well. So at least it is possible :)
  7. jimmynolegs777

    Im absolutely S*** at batting :(

    lol :) I found that the nets were a bit pointless, because as has been posted before, there are obviously no fielders so you dont know whether the shot will be succesful or not.
  8. jimmynolegs777

    Im absolutely S*** at batting :(

    True. I do like how the ball doesnt go to fixed destinations, like people have been saying about BLIC 2005. I think the other reason for my scores being crap is that i havnt built up that confidence meter very high.
  9. jimmynolegs777

    Im absolutely S*** at batting :(

    First of all, im new so hello :) Im playing medium difficulty and have so far not been able to bat well at all. Should i just keep practicing and sooner or later the technique to batting will come? I say this becuase im pretty convinced that i am not timing the ball well and that is why i...