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  1. Jakeman

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Can anyone tell me what the big file full of .xml's does?Are they important?
  2. Jakeman

    Custom Console Covers

    Peplace these with the launchbg in Images.The file name must be 'Imagebg' for it to work Example Picture:
  3. Jakeman

    Hook and Pull Shots

    How do you doe these shots?WHich button do you press and which direction.SO I can hit them short balls for four instead of being hit and losing confidence?
  4. Jakeman

    Cant view .big files

    Is there anyway for BIGUI to only show .big files?
  5. Jakeman

    Cant view .big files

    Im using EA Graphics Editor and when I click on a .big files nothing shows up?How are you meant to know which face is which if you cant view the .big files?
  6. Jakeman

    Rahul's Cricket 2005 Downloads

    Who did the Strauss face, I remember there veing one but I lost it, anyone tell me who it was I tought it was Rahul but I guess not.
  7. Jakeman

    Signature Not BEing Shown

    I went to User CP and signature controls but my image between the Brackets and I click save signature.Then it takes me back to UserCp,Then I go view one of my post and my Signatures not there? I can see my Avatar though.
  8. Jakeman

    Langerrox's downloads!

    I know how to make them work in game and using FshEd but does it tell you what make the bat is or do you need to guess.I made a Woodworm Torch but what bat is that?
  9. Jakeman

    Langerrox's downloads!

    In the .fsh list topic how do you know which bat is which when it says bat28 do you just guess?Ive made one but dont know what the .fsh is.
  10. Jakeman

    Face FSH List

    Ive look all through it.Unless ive missed it :confused:
  11. Jakeman

    Rahul's Cricket 2005 Downloads

    How do you make these?Or is it a secret?
  12. Jakeman

    Face FSH List

    Does anyone have a list of the faces in the .gob file.And would anyone recommend any good faces? Thabks :)
  13. Jakeman

    Changing Resolution

    Ive found where to change resoulution in the options.But how do you make it change, I pick the resoultion, click contine and its the same :mad: