Planet Cricket v TFFSL Tornadoes (Cricsim ODI Series)


ICC President
Apr 15, 2006
Who will win in the upcoming series between TTFSL and Planetcricket?

Will we blow the tornados away with our skill or will they be able to humiliate us (I don't think so :p)
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You might have been banned for betting, not that I have heard of something like that. It's saying everyone can bet.
Oh well I don't think I've been banned from betting as far as I know?? And I've got plenty of cash so that wouldn't be the problem...oh well
Currently trying to sort it out. I need Dean to come back online though as I've sent him a PM. Patience is appreciated while we try and sort this issue out (probably me clicking the wrong button)
Why do we have such terrible odds? Are we THAT certain we are going to win:eek:
TFFSL to win by inning here, carn TFFSL!
Clearly, you're an idiot. For 3 reasons

1) You're from that place you call The Farical Forum for Super Losers.

2) Secondly, this is an ODI series and you clearly cant win by an innings.

3) Thirdly you cant lose a series by an innings
Clearly, your an idiot. For 3 reasons

1) your from that place you call The Farical Forum for Super Losers.

2) Secondly, this is an ODI series and you clearly cant win by an innings.

3) Thirdly you cant lose a series by an innings

i lol'd..... classic :D
4000 on PC

Clearly, you're an idiot. For 3 reasons

1) You're from that place you call The Farical Forum for Super Losers.

2) Secondly, this is an ODI series and you clearly cant win by an innings.

3) Thirdly you cant lose a series by an innings

Hehehaha. I'll have to remember to rep you. Repped out atm

Why do we have such terrible odds? Are we THAT certain we are going to win:eek:

You bet against PC...
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