15th-19th June: Indian Warriors vs. Downright Donkeys (FC Round 2)

15.1 ZoraxDoom to Surendar, FOUR

Finally, winning runs! :happy

And well done Sid :hpraise Well done the entire team to knock those talk-more-do-nothing guys :clap :clap We have got the right start in this season and we have to keep it going.

Lets repeat our slogan, " Winning is our habit! " :happy
Another casual win there for the Warriors. Are the Downright Donkeys even a true cricket team? From where I was watching in the stands it seemed they just grabbed a few drunken guys passed-out on the street outside of a pub and told them to play cricket. Especially that Therbs fella. His run-in to bowl looked more like a drunken stagger.
Ha ha, We have beaten the donks. LOL.
Another casual win there for the Warriors. Are the Downright Donkeys even a true cricket team? From where I was watching in the stands it seemed they just grabbed a few drunken guys passed-out on the street outside of a pub and told them to play cricket. Especially that Therbs fella. His run-in to bowl looked more like a drunken stagger.
Sharp observations, but I assure you that we have the legal paper work claiming that we are, infact, an official PCCL team.

My apologies Zorax, it seems you have me beaten. However I will remain with the observation that Therbs' run in seemed to be heavily influenced by the vast amount of alcohol he consumed prior to the match.
If that didn't give it away, his throwing up at the fine leg boundary should have. Or maybe his half naked lap around the field after we loss. Or maybe him rushing the stage when the MOTM was being announced and screaming 'I'm DRUNK and I LOVEZ YOU GUYZZZ' before falling off it.
Another casual win there for the Warriors. Are the Downright Donkeys even a true cricket team? From where I was watching in the stands it seemed they just grabbed a few drunken guys passed-out on the street outside of a pub and told them to play cricket. Especially that Therbs fella. His run-in to bowl looked more like a drunken stagger.

Its simply a question of technique and mine is an absolute ripper. As for being drunk, may I simply add that I have no recollection of being under the influence of alcohol and that I have never breached the Donkey's Code of Conduct except one time when I got a bag of wickets and we won, much to the chagrine of our bookmaker investors.

I'd like to say well played to the opposition and to our blokes, the new gold-plated beer taps have been installed in the yacht's upper deck bar. enjoy.
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