4th January: Soakers v Donkeys [OD RD9]

I bAtted Gr888888t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p

Shame, I'm the main one in the season withstanding Batting and catching difficulties for the donks. And the Others? They only come up to get a good photograph of theirs to put up on facebook lol.

Yeah, well, you should be thankful to us soakers. We gave you a perfect new year gift. :D But again, in our next clash, You'll be super s(u>ou)kers. ;) :p

Great game though. Not discouraging anyone. Both teams were brilliant to bring the game to such a great close. Well mistakes do happen and perfections do take place with them.
Its s(u>oa)kers if I'm not wrong.

bibu001w added 0 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

ftw did you type.:mad:
Yeah mate I meant wtf but once I got infracted for that so I typed in reverse. But why am I not infracted now?!:confused:

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