I am so thoroughly embarrassed about what we've done this season. I feel terrible to the core. We've gone against everything the Donkeys have ever stood for, we've besmirched the good Donkeys name, we've tarnished our reputation, we've made a laughing stock of all that the Donkeys stand for! I feel so dirty, so wrong, If we could do this season over I would have poisoned every one of the them to ensure it never got this far. Winning. What have we come to? It all started as a laugh, and innocent joke, a means to make the odds more favourable for future encounters...but winning a championship. No. No, that is a step to far. How can I look myself in the mirror now? I can't.
You all, under the reign of Cricketman, have ripped out the heart and soul of what it is to be a Donkey. I feel terribly ashamed for being a part of this, yet at the same I feel so incredibly mad at what you all have done. You have torn down the foundations that the Donkeys were built on, burned them to ashes, smoked them, and then sold your lungs to science to raise money for drugs. It's a disgrace. I'm at a loss for words, but I've got 3 left in me, 3 words that ring loud and clear and demand to be said...