8th March: Donkeys v Warriors [OD Grand Final]

I may never post on this forum again such is my bitterness at the moment, so listen up. I didn't start this team up so we could achieve some American sports movie-like ultimate goal of winning a title.

Do you people ever wonder why I called the team the Donkeys in the first place? It is metaphorical. If someone called someone else a downright donkey, you would be thinking a jester, a fool, a clown or something along these lines. Jesters, fools and clowns do not win things. They come dead last, but make great fun of doing so. Zorax was a visionary. He saw what the team's goal was, and realising that we were going to come last, he made bets against us in order to win money. This, I saw as good. Whether you are in it for money or to live up to the Donkey name, there is a common goal, a unified dream, of losing every game we enter.

Sure, we can't lose them all. Some teams are that rubbish that they will lose to us even when we aren't trying, but we should all know never to bet on the Bitters by now. A team like the Warriors, they have talent, we can easily inperform them. (although inperform sounds like it isn't a word, it is actually the opposite of outperform, see, I thought that one through more than you think)

I can't see myself looking any of my Donkey teammates in the eye again after this. Conveniently, I don't actually know them in real life, only over the internet, so eye contact is minimal at best anyway. But that is beside the point, as right now, I am distraught. Zorax, don't suggest me as captain, this team is beyond repair.
Well tassie, its like this er...um..(looks at ground, kicks an imaginary pebble), er..ya see tassie we were drunk. Yeah, that's it, we were totally off our scones, high as kites, p1ssed as parrots, behaving like dypsomaniacs. Yeah. Didn't know what we were doing.
Tassie, I empathise whole heartedly. And if you don't want to be skipper anymore, then there is only one thing to do.

I'm running for captain. I promise to bring back the good ol' Donkeys ways back to DD, and to give nothing more than my whole hearted lack of effort in every match we play, striving to achieve absolutely nothing, while making enough illegal profits off it to own my own Island. With me at the helm, we shall never slip from that last position in that table, and God be damned if we come first.

The reign of Zorax shall begin.
The after party only jsut finished.

You did a good job Therbs.

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