Amarnath-Kardar Trophy - Resumed elsewhere

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First name:
Last name: Raj
National team: India :ind:
Domestic team: Mumbai
Batting style: RHB
Bat position: Opener (★★★)
Batting ability:
Bowling hand:
Fielding position: Outfielder (0)
Interested in captaincy?: Yes
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: No
Player likeness: Sachin Tendulkar
First name: Phunsukh
Last name: Wangdu
National team: India
Domestic team: Jharkhand
Batting style: RHB
Bat position: 0(Tail)
Batting ability: 0
Bowling hand: Right
Bowling style: Leg-spin(2)
Bowling ability: 4
Fielding position: 0
Interested in captaincy?: No
Interested in domestic captaincy?: No
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: No
Player likeness: Yuzvendra Chahal
First name: Kaustubh
Last name: Gupta
National team: India
Domestic team: Mumbai
Batting style:
Bat position:Opener(1)
Batting ability:
* * * * * (5)
Bowling hand:Left
Bowling style: Fast
Bowling ability: (0)
Fielding position:Outfielder
Interested in captaincy?:
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: may be comanaging it
Player likeness: Gautam Gambhir
First name: Kaustubh
Last name: Gupta
National team: India
Domestic team: Mumbai
Batting style:
Bat position:Opener(1)
Batting ability:
* * * * * (5)
Bowling hand:Left
Bowling style: Fast
Bowling ability: (0)
Fielding position:Outfielder
Interested in captaincy?:
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: may be comanaging it
Player likeness: Gautam Gambhir
I don't think you understood the rules very well. If you want to be Gautam Gambhir, here's how it should be

First name: Kaustubh
Last name: Gupta
National team: India
Domestic team: Mumbai
Batting style: LHB
Bat position: Opener (3)
Batting ability: * * * (3)
Bowling hand: Left
Bowling style: -
Bowling ability: (0)
Fielding position: Outfielder
Interested in captaincy?: No
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: may be comanaging it
Player likeness: Gautam Gambhir
Someone still active on the domestic scene at least, please. Otherwise i could've picked WG Grace or something :p
lol sure, Rahane then as I see Rohit Sharma already being picked up.
First name: Navin
Last name: Gandhi
National team: India
Domestic team: Jharkhand
Batting style: RHB
Bat position: Lower Order
Batting ability: ★ ★★
Fielding position: Wicket-keeper
Interested in captaincy?: Yes
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: Yes
Player likeness: M S Dhoni {He was the 6+ batsmen in Last ODI and Test}
First name: Kumarjit
Last name: Biswas
National team: India
Domestic team: Assam
Batting style: RHB
Bat position: Middle Order
Batting ability: ★ ★★★
Bowling hand: RHB
Bowling style: - Right arm medium fast
Bowling ability: ★★★
Fielding position: Outfielder
Interested in captaincy?: Yes
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: Yes
Player likeness: Ajinkya Rahane
Last edited:
First name: Jack
Middle name:
Last name: Ryder
National team: India
State team: Only 4 teams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karnataka
Batting style: RHB
Bat position: Tail-0
Batting ability: 0 *
Bowling hand: Right
Bowling style: Leg Spin
Bowling ability: 4 *
Fielding position: Outfielder
Interested in captaincy?: No
Player likeness: SHreyas Gopal
First name: Saroj
Last name: Padhy
National team: :ind: India
Domestic team: Delhi
Batting style: LHB
Bat position: Opener (3)
Batting ability: ★ ★ ★ (3)
Bowling hand: DNB
Fielding position: Outfielder
Interested in captaincy?: Yes
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: No
Player likeness: Gautam Gambhir
First name: Kumarjit
Last name: Biswas
National team: India
Domestic team: Assam
Batting style: RHB
Bat position: Middle Order
Batting ability: ★ ★★★
Bowling hand: RHB
Bowling style: - Right arm medium fast
Bowling ability: ★★★
Fielding position: Outfielder
Interested in captaincy?: Yes
Interested in domestic captaincy?: Yes
Interested in managing Afghanistan?: Yes
Player likeness: Ajinkya Rahane
You are allowed to choose your domestic team only between Karnataka, Jharkhand, Mumbai and Delhi. Also, you can use a maximum of 6 stars for your player.

You may use no more than six attribute points while signing up as a player.

  Left               - 0 points
  Right              - 0 points

  Opener (1-2)       - 3 points
  Middle order (3-5) - 2 points
  Lower order (6-8)  - 1 point
  Tail (9-11)        - 0 points

                     - 0 points
  ★                 - 1 point
  ★ ★               - 2 points
  ★ ★ ★            - 3 points
  ★ ★ ★ ★          - 4 points
  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★       - 5 points
  Left               - 0 points
  Right              - 0 points

  Leg-spin           - 2 points
  Off-spin           - 2 points
  Medium             - 0 points
  Medium-fast        - 1 point
  Fast               - 2 points

                     - 0 points
  ★                 - 1 point
  ★ ★               - 2 points
  ★ ★ ★            - 3 points
  ★ ★ ★ ★          - 4 points
  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★       - 5 points
 Outfielder          - 0 points
 Wicket-keeper       - 2 points
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