Announcement/Video and Screenshots/Playsession

At least we know Biggs actually exists, unlike jesus the magic zombie. But if there were such things as miracles - which is about as likely as wizard spells - then I'd like Biggs to be the one to perform them, and I want him to turn my water into wine. He can then resurrect me the next morning when I'm hungover.

Please don't say stuff like that. :( Do you even know anything about Jesus (PBUH)? Let's change the topic please -__-
ABut if there were such things as miracles - which is about as likely as wizard spells - then I'd like Biggs to be the one to perform them, and I want him to turn my water into wine. He can then resurrect me the next morning when I'm hungover.

I can barely resurrect myself after an evening out, you're on your own, Oz. I use my powers for my personal use and entertainment. Eg; farting rainbows...
At least we know Biggs actually exists, unlike jesus the magic zombie. But if there were such things as miracles - which is about as likely as wizard spells - then I'd like Biggs to be the one to perform them, and I want him to turn my water into wine. He can then resurrect me the next morning when I'm hungover.

Gold haha
Please don't say stuff like that. :( Do you even know anything about Jesus (PBUH)? Let's change the topic please -__-

Nobody knows if jesus even existed, but even if he did, he was not some magic man that was dead and sprung back to life again. That's a silly and childish claim and it deserves to be ridiculed.

And peace should never be upon someone who threatens to throw people into lakes of fire. If jesus really did say that, then it is a horrible thing to say :mad

Gold haha

Biggsey and Bradman14 brought the best out of me today. :D
Here we go again Eh Oz :p


By the way, I have got my PS 3 and come september I am going to send your team to Jesus's hell :p
Spoiler Alert: There isn't a hell either...



Biggs out.

*drops mic*
Spoiler Alert: There isn't a hell either...



Biggs out.

*drops mic*

I never knew there would be some many kitchens in hell.....I guess that is where the expression The Devil's Kitchen comes from........(katish boom)
Spoiler Alert: There isn't a hell either...



Biggs out.

*drops mic*

Well said biggs:D.
So there is superman and batman stuffs , and also kitchen stuffs too:Db
What about the Nike shoes.:(


PS Where the Hell is Donko 2005 gone these days, maybe I teased him to hard. See when people tease me I just hold my teddy bear of Jesus and say to myself all will be fine tomorrow. PS I bet Donko is playing with his batman and superman toy figures and dreaming about the stupid IPL.:p
I never knew there would be some many kitchens in hell.....I guess that is where the expression The Devil's Kitchen comes from........(katish boom)

Mike Fegan would know better than I however I believe The Devil's Kitchen might be right next door to what we in the industry call "Middleware Hell"
Mike Fegan would know better than I however I believe The Devil's Kitchen might be right next door to what we in the industry call "Middleware Hell"

Just round the corner from Tupperware Valley, just past you ever bump into Mike on your way or from work Ross......whats that like? Squints a la Clint Eastwood and women and children diving for cover.....maybe you two should have a Moon Down on Bourke Street? You'd have to remind Mike of the date.....memory leakage and all that......

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