Answers to Questions to EA Sports Producer Andrew Wilson

Shailesh said:
to hear it from horse's mouth you can flog the horse when it opens its mouth and answers ?
because you don't like what its saying ?
fanirama said: you can flog the horse when it opens its mouth and answers ?
because you don't like what its saying ?

Going back to Shailesh's original post. Did you fail to notice the smily (:D). I personally thought he was being SARCASTIC or having a JOKE. That sort of smily is generally used when a joke or sarcastic comment is used.
I think we all should thank Andrew for taking the time to answer our questions. I hope what andrew is saying is in the game. What if BLIC2005 turns out to be what cricket 2004 is. Then again I dought it. Lets wait and see shall we, :rolleyes: .
Whatever he says wont change my approach.
I would only buy the game after reading a few reviews of it!
Andrew Wilson is famous for making false promises
afridi118 said:
one easy question is the kepper going to get a bed this time in the ground this time or he will drink a coffe when coming to keep so he will be active
Mahesh Babu's long lost son... :D
hey guys i m just another circket fanatic coupled with obsession for games. Anyways I am very very anxiously waiting for CK 2005 and BLIC. Graphics aside what i am looking forward to is a bugfree game with Superb AI. A lot is being made of graphics of CK 2005 but players are very hard to indentify from screenshots i have seen. I would buy both games when they come out but i think codemasters will definitely outwit and outperfrom EA. Anyways can anyone tell me the latest release dates.

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