Antivirus of the Year 08 |Vote Now| - Rankings Updated

Antivirus of the year

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Awesome reliability + Low on system resources = avast!. You shouldn't go by how much viruses were detected by each, since sometimes programs having for example hotkey modules are detected as viruses.

Most of all, its free but yet a proper organisation behind it, and hence the 6 times daily updates(like 2-3 kb in size) ;)

Agree with you mate.Avast is best 2nd place goes to F-Secure.

Even AVG is quite good i used with my old computer
Where is NOD? Anways no brainer McAfee rule.
Siddy see the third option buddy:p
I have rearranged the rankings in Index:)
NOD32 is probably the best, great rep among IT professionals, but not common enough to win a poll. It's also not free and not cheap, at that.

Similarly, Norton votes should be disqualified; it is definitely one of the worst AVs I and many others have experienced. Bloated, overpriced, slow to deal with threats and ineffective. People put up with it because of the familiar brand, the fact that virus infections usually don't really occur all that much and the assumption that they could do worse.

The only one I'd rate worse than Norton is Sophos. Though I find Sophos tends to be distributed for free by companies and schools, which is a bonus, I've never seen it actually defeat a virus. It just sits there telling you that there is a virus you need to fix.

I used to like AVG and I still rate it, but for me, the heuristics turn up too many false positives. The Bioshock one was the last straw. You can turn off the particular heuristics routine, but I felt it was time to look elsewhere anyway.
For me Kaspersky hasn't let me down since I started using it. Frequent updates, good interface and the key point not hogging the resources or slowing down the start up time too much. Can't comment on Nod but my university uses it and it seems to be alright. AVG not a great interface but gets the job done when I had it installed.
NOD32 for me. I've been using it for 2 years and haven't had a single problem. It doesn't take any resources, sits quietly in the background and does the job efficiently. I used to use Kaspersky before that but took too long to scan my HDD. It has gotten better now but I'm happy with NOD.
My blindest vote would go to kaspersky, but, the rivals are too good to be in the second position.. by a clinchA'..SSSSSSSS
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Here is what is according to me.

Lowest on system resources:
QuickHeal Antivirus

Good rate of Scanning & Detecttion
Eset NOD32 3.0 & Kaspersky AV

If you haven't tried QuickHeal get the trial frm here:
I used to use Kaspersky before that but took too long to scan my HDD. It has gotten better now but I'm happy with NOD.

Ya I would agree there, takes forever to scan the hdd, I have gone hours before it's finished scanning so I hardly ever do it.
I had so much respect for avast with the very good scans' it does, but, unfortunately, it hasn't given up so much it has witht the File scan ( manual ) rather for the Complete system scan.

I had a system scan with Avast and it gave out only 3 Viruses in 9 hours ! ! pretty long !

And, the same scan with kaspersky, well, 3 viruses in 9 seconds.. and poured out Viruses, 1400+ in large numbers' which poured out..4888 in small and big in total..
Here is what is according to me.

Lowest on system resources:
QuickHeal Antivirus

Good rate of Scanning & Detecttion
Eset NOD32 3.0 & Kaspersky AV

If you haven't tried QuickHeal get the trial frm here:
About this, I bought it last year but is wan't good. It detects very less viruses as compared to Kaspersky or AVG. Quick heal is a failed antivirus. Bit Defender is best in detecting all types of threats but it will simple make your PC very slow.
I had so much respect for avast with the very good scans' it does, but, unfortunately, it hasn't given up so much it has witht the File scan ( manual ) rather for the Complete system scan.

I had a system scan with Avast and it gave out only 3 Viruses in 9 hours ! ! pretty long !

And, the same scan with kaspersky, well, 3 viruses in 9 seconds.. and poured out Viruses, 1400+ in large numbers' which poured out..4888 in small and big in total..
That isn't something to be happy or satisfied about though. You need to change your surfing habits if you had so many viruses.
I prefer to use the Bitdefender online scanner. It scans the system for virus, and even repairs some of them. The problem with Bitdefender is, if it cannot repair, it deletes the file without asking. System files essential to running of windows if infected, are most likely to be deleted.

I always disable the delete option in its configuration, and I manually delete whatever i know is not of much use.

Kaspersky's online scanner is pretty useful as well, but it only detects and does not repair. Does the purpose for me though, because there are numerous tools and guides related to virus removal available on the net.
Anyone know why Bitdefender edits the windows system hosts file?

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