Any Idea's



I have created a Aussie WC 99' Kit and will soon send to Vineet! But i want to get some Idea's 4 another Patch. PLZ post idea's ! :D
This should be an interesting one, how about a retro one day patch, going back to the 70's, with the players playing in whites and even the correct players for the time. That would be cool.
Andrew's idea is a good one. Perhaps to make the job simpler, what if there was a patch for each decade, similar to WCEXP 2003.

You would have a similar layout, but with each country having a team with the best players in that decade. Say for instance, a 70s Australia team would feature the Chappell brothers, Marsh, Lillee, Thomson etc. The 80s team might feature Border, Boon, Geoff Marsh, Hughes, McDermott etc.

The only problem would be figuring out whether long serving players continue in the team over the length of their careers eg. Steve Waugh would be in the 80s and 90s as well as possibly a current team.

Who wouldn't love to see some of the great teams of each decade, the 70s and 80s West Indians for example?
Must've missed this post before. Nice ideas. Keep them coming.

I'm gonna make this a sticky. Look in here whenever I'm out of ideas and want to make a new patch. I'm sure it'll be useful to others modders as well.
is there a way to edit storke files or create a patch to make dancing down the wicket and smashing 6s easier?
How about making All Asia Team or All Europe Team and so on
Is someone free and is good at programming ?
Here is an idea for a great patch
You can modify the cricket WXEXP manager to give options like 'Play League' which in turn will replace all international teams to the league teams. Kits, records etc. are all available at various sites such as Oceana & SAF.
This will bring league into Cric 2002
Why waste all the hardwork done in creating the kits & other info.
The only problem is that when u directly download the patches it will permanently remove the ATs and can?t play a league match between SAF & Aus as the teams are part of different patches incompatible with each other.
Sure i could make a Retro Aussie Kit! I can make 1 around the time of VIV RICHARDS when he was in the 1-day! I got some pics! And i have also almost completed a Aussie kit From a New Jacket i found at Kingsgrove Sports! It's cool! Real Recent ! Send Files sooN!
Thought would submit suggestion for test cricket patch as I did in a seperate post.

Things I would love to see,

1. Field placing - should have mid on and/or mid off in first 30 overs as it is too easy to hit them in V region.

2. Realistic game play- Once our batsman cross hundred, the first ball it will face every over from any bowler will be yorker from AI in the present game format. Should be changed to good length swing delivery, fast delivery or extra bounce depending on bowler.

3. AI needs to be improved in many areas but I guess that will like game making rahter then patch making so I leave it to maker for whatever area they find possible to deal with.
Another patch making suggestion is for video highlight capture.

A ptach or utility that generate highlights by itself. Atleast the wickets that fall can be saved as movie files and latter played at once on command from manu or through seperate program. for simplicity you can choose one camera angle.
Originally posted by sachida11@Apr 25 2003, 03:07 PM
Thought would submit suggestion for test cricket patch as I did in a seperate post.

Things I would love to see,

1. Field placing - should have mid on and/or mid off in first 30 overs as it is too easy to hit them in V region.

2. Realistic game play- Once our batsman cross hundred, the first ball it will face every over from any bowler will be yorker from AI in the present game format.? Should be changed to good length swing delivery, fast delivery or extra bounce depending on bowler.

3. AI needs to be improved in many areas but I guess that will like game making rahter then patch making so I leave it to maker for whatever area they find possible to deal with.
Definitely get BLC online gameplay patch for the field settings. Zim has done an excellent job with changing them and it's now much harder to score quickly, particularly to the square/fine leg area.
will c2k4 b running on the same principles of putting the game 2goethr so we can edit files directly?
Cricket 2002 wasn't built entirely on that principle. There were no config or logo files avaialble to edit. It was only beacuse of peoples hard work that we figured out how to put these into the game and how to edit the ctm files, etc.

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