While I don't like discussing these matters publicly, Yudi and Amiya were both given infractions over their posting in that thread. For Yudi, previous infractions resulted in him being tipped over in to a ban.
Now as usual, we aren't on top of all posts on the forums and will often see reported posts in isolation, meaning that punishments are usually aimed at direct posts rather than patterns of posting. If members come to the attention of staff as consistently breaking rules, they will be given bans over the top of what the bounds of the infraction system are.
While sometimes there is call for a user being banned outright, it is better in my experience to avoid jumping to that outcome, the nudge of an infraction can in cases be enough to improve members.
If people are breaking the rules, report them, seeing the same names pop up in reports makes the case for banning stronger, but there's quite a few members who fall on the right side of a fine line in terms of what is acceptable, ones that if we banned we'd be setting a dangerous precedent and cutting discussion considerably but whose posts often don't break any rules in a significant enough way to warrant punishment.
I don't want members posting on here being fearful of being banned or our moderators being uptight and overly strict, it doesn't create a good forum atmosphere.
However I do appreciate all of your concerns, it is just the course of action isn't as black and white as 'ban him already' is.
Any further discussion of this will be done via PM to an Administrator or Post Reports.