After all the patches can you elaborate in what way it is now frustrating/boring please?
It's all well and good to say it's had a lot of patches, but the game was released in a very broken state, we've been the beta testers essentially since then.
Every patch has produced new bugs/glitches after removing some that were previously there.
The defensive shot looks awful, it either loops up high into the sky and gradually drops onto the other side of the court or lightly spoons up and over.
Ball physics are still all over the place, volleying still comes off the racket at a million miles an hour, the CPU manages to return any smash you produce, but you can't do the same to theirs
Stamina seems to impact your player but never the CPU who manages to still reach almost every shot with ease
Your player still gets stuck in animations and just watches the ball go by or will just give up on a shot it thinks you won't reach when it's right next to you...
I mostly record the game so people can see what they are getting into for the global launch, part of me hopes they don't dive into another tennis game anytime soon. I'm sure some people love the game and think it's the bees knees, but I definitely enjoy Full Ace Tennis far more despite it's graphical differences