I thought TS4 was garbage, so the amount of parallels drawn with it here does not sound great...

Also from that video - "it's not just for the hardcore tennis fans, we've managed to make it so that it's very accessible". This sounds like part of the reason I feel BA cricket games have gone downhill since DBC14... To appeal to hardcore players you need to have controls and fundamental gameplay mechanics that offer the depth they want. I'm not sure you can have it be arcadey/accessible and scale it with sliders/options to satisfy the more hardcore players. Doesn't seem like Ashes is doing too great in this regard either (one of the threads atm is batting being too easy on highest settings)

Hopefully there will be some actual gameplay footage out soon.
Good afternoon

has it been confirmed how the controls will be for AO? If it is going to be stick like the cricket or buttons like previous games? im really hoping for the stick controls that would be awesome
Good afternoon

has it been confirmed how the controls will be for AO? If it is going to be stick like the cricket or buttons like previous games? im really hoping for the stick controls that would be awesome

Nothing is known yet, but it's probably a safe bet to say that it'll be a combination of stick and buttons.
Can't wait to get my hands on this, really looking forward to it!
Can't wait to get my hands on this, really looking forward to it!
I do agree have been pigging out on AO run up tournaments and love to watch tennis but a PS4 game would be great, just hope it's good.[DOUBLEPOST=1515068571][/DOUBLEPOST]
Will be getting this game next week sometime. Keen as to do a few videos on it
Not going to talk to you anymore as I am very jealous.... But I will watch any videos if you're doing them.

The big G's videos are very good!!!
They just released the mobile version and I am loving it


Training mode in mobile version

I really hope this is no indication of how the full game will look animation/gameplay-wise... :eek:
You have played Big Bash Mobile game and Ashes right?
Never played Big Bash...

Like I say, I hope the console/PC versions are drastically different in every conceivable way. Surely won't be too long before we see some gameplay of it.

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