I want to reply to your post constructively and have my two cents worth as this thread is mind blowing, as are you.
I rarely post on this forum and I came back after a long absence as i had just purchased DBC17 and had some questions. Everyone in the DBC thread was helpful and friendly, including yourself Caroline. When you are discussing DBC you are as sound as a pound. No Issues. Nice person. Helpful and knowledgeable.
However, i noticed there was a degree of hostility towards you and I noticed some of your posts were odd to say the least. You posted status updates about your period pains. You posted about serious traumas that you went through when you were younger. You accused other members of stalking you and/or making you feel threatened or your internet security compromised in some way. All of these topics were in my opinion bizarre issues to raise on a cricket forum.
If you have issues with period pains i think a better place to raise this would be mums.net. You would get significantly more empathy and sympathy there and maybe even some constructive advice. I don't mind discussing/hearing about period pains with my gf. I just don't want to hear about it from a total stranger on an internet CRICKET forum. I think going on about it on a CRICKET forum is not the best idea to make friends and get people to chat to you. It's just weird. Sorry to be blunt. It just is.
Again, I would suggest talking about serious traumas that have happened during your life is better done with close friends/family and maybe on internet forums that provide support for people with PTS? Maybe if you make close friends on here over time you could discuss it with them in private messages. We have all had bad things happen to us. I just don't understand why you want to talk about them on a bloody CRICKET forum. Again, it's weird. I'm sorry for your troubles but people don't come here to discuss that sort of thing. It comes across as attention seeking and cringe-inducing oversharing.
I post on a variety of forums over a wide variety of topics. Computer Games, Arsenal FC, Literature and Books. There are lots of women on the various forums i frequent. There a lots of people whom i have no idea what their gender is. They get treated with respect by everyone. Its just so odd you think that being a woman makes you special or unique and you go on about it so much. I think you are treated differently because you want to be. You want to stand out and be noticed.
My final comment is pretty blunt and i think it gets to the core of the issue. You come across as someone who just craves attention and drama. I genuinely get the impression that you are loving this thread and it's turning my stomach a bit, it's twisted. The fact that you are now falsely accusing members of harassing you has prompted me to post something serious and try and give you some constructive feedback.
I hope you chill out a bit and are more mindful of what you post and what forum you choose to discuss certain issues with in the future. You have been friendly and helpful to me during my short time on this forum, but you also make me not want to come here as when you get onto weird topics it just annoys people.
Stick to the cricket, the video games and the light-hearted banter. Leave the drama at the door when you log in. People will respect you more for it and not add you to their ignore list.