Are'nt we over-estimating Don Bradman cricket-14?

I am a member of two forums to do with one of my other interests (Napoleonic military history) and I don't remember one instance of the kind of back biting that occurs here on occasion. I should know, because I have been the victim of some of it.

Yeah, but grognards "grognard", don't they?

It's not backbiting, but it can be pretty unpleasant when one is on the receiving end of it.
A 'grognard' is slang for a wargamer. I'm not a wargamer, I collect Napoleonic swords artefacts.
Some of the insults aimed at me here have been unpleasant but I'm not one to take it lying down.
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Off topic, but REAL Napoleonic artifacts? Thats awesome, but very, very nerdy....
Yes, I have a collection of 30 original Napoleonic swords and some other original items.
Nerdy maybe, but a very good investment.
Wow, that is excellent. The best thing i own is a Joe Montana signed NFL helmet, but that was signed 8 years ago......

I dont think we have sword friendly laws here in Australia, seeing as guns were well and truly in vogue by the time we were "settled", and there were none to start with. Ive always been interested in Japanese sword making, but we had better cease our discussion before Matt gets out the guillotine....
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I think anyone who needs to see how far cricket games have come (or how far DBC has taken things) should take a little look at this. Not knocking it at all but it is what it is. I had many years of fun playing this from what? 1993? But cricket games didn't really move too far forwards from this for at least 15 years, and some may argue 20. Sure they got prettier but the mechanics and 'the norms' pretty much stayed the same - DBC is a class above.

Sorry but i have to strongly disagree with this. Other cricket games have a reticule on the pitch telling, no, gifting, you the exact position of the forthcoming delivery.
NO other cricket game has allowed you to control foot movement, arguably the most important aspect of batting. Couple that with the short time you have to go through the options and decide what foot movement and shot to play it is as close to real batting as any game has got, ever, NO possible argument can be mounted otherwise.
Shot placement and the little bug that has seen it hard to keep shots on the ground are another matter and im sure we will see those fixed. But as far as batting mechanics go, any suggestion that this isnt streets ahead of anything ever is laughable.

And respectfully, that isn't really what I was getting at. I fully accept the foot movement builds and improves on other games; I also accept that the short timing window mixes things up and getting rid of the pitch marker introduces a challenge. But I wasn't referring to either of those things. I was specifically referring to finding gaps in the field, which I don't feel I have as much control over here; in IC10, for example, you had full 360 degree placement. It still worked off (essentially) the same 8 shot types (based on the direction pressed on the controller) and the AI would assist sometimes in picking the right shot, but the important aspect is that is gave you a greater degree of flexibility.

It's all subjective, because I certainly wouldn't say it's streets ahead of anything else. I like the fact that it is a real challenge to put a score together, but I don't feel it's massively different from what has come before.

As for the ball not travelling along the ground, I don't think that's a little issue.

That is because, can you imagine the run rate if said bowler didnt stop most of them? It is definitely an area that needs a lot of improvement. He cant catch most of them because that would be silly but he cant let them go because we would all hit most full deliveries past him for 4. This is the type of thing im trying to bring to attention. Its not "cricket" but for the sake of gameplay it has to be the case. Games are meant to be fun, not an accurate substitute for those of us not good enough to play international cricket. It is a minor bug bear in the scheme of things.

Well my question was somewhat rhetorical, because I'm aware that it is to stop plundering lots of easy 4s in that area. It was more a deeper look at why that is such a crude implementation to that problem and if there was not something else that could be done. I'm well aware of the need for gameplay decisions to be made to help keep things from being impossible to play, but even with that the run-rates and pretty high regardless. I think it's a plaster being stuck on the bigger problem of the field settings, because it's pretty easy to get boundaries due to the gaps the AI leaves by sticking 4 men in front of you.

But - and I'll say this again - it is the best cricket game out there, I certainly don't dispute that. Everything in-between though is up for discussion.
I think anyone who needs to see how far cricket games have come (or how far DBC has taken things) should take a little look at this. Not knocking it at all but it is what it is. I had many years of fun playing this from what? 1993? But cricket games didn't really move too far forwards from this for at least 15 years, and some may argue 20. Sure they got prettier but the mechanics and 'the norms' pretty much stayed the same - DBC is a class above.

ball bounces of the pitch, score card has maidens, 4s 6s [HASHTAG]#dbcsucks[/HASHTAG] get me gooch cricket:p

The fact that despite the irking stuff like fieldsettings, grounding the ball etc, and other nitpicks, it still makes you play the game endlessly shows how much they have got right.

Excellent reply. The only question I have is , wasnt the "full 360 degree" point and hit system a little too easy? somewhere in between the two would be good i think. My comments arent really directed AT you,
you seem to have your head screwed on, Im not for a moment suggesting the game is perfect, but as we have discussed and seemingly agree it IS the best effort and we should support it
Excellent reply. The only question I have is , wasnt the "full 360 degree" point and hit system a little too easy? somewhere in between the two would be good i think. My comments arent really directed AT you,
you seem to have your head screwed on, Im not for a moment suggesting the game is perfect, but as we have discussed and seemingly agree it IS the best effert and we should support it

Thanks. Should we bro-hug? :D

The 360 degree movement - coupled with the pitch marker did make things pretty easy - the only challenge was getting the timing down. Once the pitch marker was removed it was a bit more challenging. The real beauty of the system though was that it allowed you the freedom to really try and pick tiny gaps if you thought you were good enough, or play any shot at less than full power to steal singles all around the pitch. It made playing around square of the wicket more viable, for instance, which is really an option in DB14.

Anyway, I've probably rambled too long in this thread and said my piece, so will agree to continue to support the game and enjoy what we have.
Wow, that is excellent. The best thing i own is a Joe Montana signed NFL helmet, but that was signed 8 years ago......

I dont think we have sword friendly laws here in Australia, seeing as guns were well and truly in vogue by the time we were "settled", and there were none to start with. Ive always been interested in Japanese sword making, but we had better cease our discussion before Matt gets out the guillotine....
Sorry Matt,
I have shipped many swords to Australia during my days of selling on eBay. No Japanese ones though.
Thanks. Should we bro-hug? :D

The 360 degree movement - coupled with the pitch marker did make things pretty easy - the only challenge was getting the timing down. Once the pitch marker was removed it was a bit more challenging. The real beauty of the system though was that it allowed you the freedom to really try and pick tiny gaps if you thought you were good enough, or play any shot at less than full power to steal singles all around the pitch. It made playing around square of the wicket more viable, for instance, which is really an option in DB14.

Anyway, I've probably rambled too long in this thread and said my piece, so will agree to continue to support the game and enjoy what we have.

Now THAT is something this game does need.....
I am a member of two forums to do with one of my other interests (Napoleonic military history) and I don't remember one instance of the kind of back biting that occurs here on occasion. I should know, because I have been the victim of some of it.

Are you Arnold J Rimmer?
I am a member of two forums to do with one of my other interests (Napoleonic military history) and I don't remember one instance of the kind of back biting that occurs here on occasion. I should know, because I have been the victim of some of it.

Some of the insults aimed at me here have been unpleasant but I'm not one to take it lying down.

With all due respect to you zombie this is an internet forum and nobody is a "victim" of anything. To get perspective take a look around to see actual issues in real world such as Israel/Palestine and Iraq/Syria/ISIS.
With all due respect to you zombie this is an internet forum and nobody is a "victim" of anything. To get perspective take a look around to see actual issues in real world such as Israel/Palestine and Iraq/Syria/ISIS.

Sorry, that is nonsense, but if it makes you happy, I was the 'target'.

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