What I think most people want to know is why you don't just copy/paste it: you don't need to type it out yourself.
Edit: I just did a quick search using those terms and most of the answers on the first page are useless rubbish from Yahoo Answers such as 'check your DX', or 'you need a PS3, fella'.
Just copy/paste it and we'll all be happy.
Edit: OK, you did now, but you deleted it. Here it is, for anyone who wants to try it, from the deleted post:
I Tried all the usual -- ran CCleaner -- did a search in the registry and removed all instances of 'ashes' and the word 'cricket' -- still no joy..
So scanned all hard drives for 'Codemasters' and 'Cricket' and removed every instance.. still no joy..
Finally managed to trace the issue back to the InstallShield application.
-- The fix --
Search your C:/ for the word 'InstallShield'
- on vista its located " C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\ "
(You may have to enable hidden folders to see it)
Within the folder there will be a few different folders, (depending how many games/applications you have installed using InstallShield).
e.g. Folder Names
Look in each folders for setup.exe (They all have it) ... Right-Click the setup.exe file --> Properties --> Digital signature Tab and you are looking for 'TransmissionGames' --
Delete the entire folder of that setup.exe file -- in my case the folder was named " {8B39736E-7C8C-4A32-82C1-F94245F20D85} " -- and now the game will install fine again..
I also installed "http://support.installshield.com/kb/files/Q108322/InstallShieldEngineUpdate1100.exe" from
Q108322: Update to the Latest InstallShield Installation Engines