bad news for canidians



i have gone in many shops for this game in Toronto when ever i ask some one about this game answer is "is it Movie" this game is not going to come in Toronto Even In Canada the only way is to get it from some where else or if some one get it then he burn it. There is no circket 2002. 2000 and 1997 thats why i bring this game with me from Pakistan. :helpme:
i'll say it once and i'll say it again, no one gives a oink about canada!!!!
Canada is gay country. they got only their games like nba, nhl, fifa, rucby (i hope i spell right). and pak has every kinds of games even they don't play them.
I am giving my C2004 away(PC). who wants it would be the first person to pm or email me. All you need to do is to pay shipping and handling from nyC to where you are. This game is sad and a complete waste of anyone's time to play. I'd rather go play pac man.
Originally posted by uman@Dec 21 2003, 02:44 PM
Canada is gay country. they got only their games like nba, nhl, fifa, rucby (i hope i spell right).? ? and pak has every kinds of games even they don't play them.
I'm sorry, but how can a country be gay? Does it only find other countries of the same sex attractive? Do countries even have a gender?

If you want to make a comment, make it constructive, not some moronic gibberish like this.
I would tend to agree with andrew_nixon79. I have had the fortune of living in many places and the most important thing I learnt was to be appreciative of the diverse cultures and diffrent interests people have, and just because they don't conform to your ideas doesn't make you so eloquently put it, "gay."

P.S. I would advise you to go travel to a few places outside of your country and maybe, just maybe the amount of ignorance that has so obviously accumulated within your brain....might subside.
i only said oink canada because of those ***** that made cricket, rugby especially. Spose canada aint bad, but i wouldn't wanna live anywhere exept where i am now.

Mind your language
That's a pity that Canada won't get the game. But you have to remember that Canada is like the US for the most part in terms of games being released (despite having some Cricketing experience) for game systems. You'll just have to order it from an online source or have a relative bring it to you like many are having done with them...
yeha...canada is better than us in cricket...and we beat them the last time we met them :P and we will beat them at sharjah this march :P
Don't you think that the game should be realased in Canada seeing they have a national team in the game :scratch:
No1 wud buy it in Camada ... I shud kno I live here
Many of us make fun of Cricket ... most dunno how or what is cricket ...

its like relasin Madden NFL '04 in southeast asia
yup! no sign of cricket 2004 in mississauga, Canada. EB just say one thing that we should order it.
I'm still thinkin of it. Since it is horribly expensive than other games like Fifa etc. It costs around 65$ (canadian).

I might well get the game next time I visit my home country India. :P

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