Batting loophole?

I fear we are dealing with a loophole of a different nature here.......

If you think logically you should be able to figure it out... in offline multiplayer mode there's just one setting. You either turn the HUD elements on or off since the display is the same.

For online mode there are two options possible...

A) The HUD element settings is decided before the match begins just like difficulty levels and it's up to the guy/gal setting up the match who chooses the settings. If you don't like the settings, you don't join the online match and look for another opponent or match.

B) You can have whatever HUD settings you want to have for you. You can decide to turn off all HUD elements and won't see the ball trail etc. Your opponent can choose to go with HUD on and will viw the ball trail etc. on his/her display.

I appreciate you for your polite answer that came out finally..but officially it was not told so is still an assumption from the fans
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