Batting Records! - Information

Ste (old)

Club Cricketer
Mar 23, 2001
Online Cricket Games Owned
This forum allows you to post your batting records. If your a member of the forum you can just post your records on the correct topic for your record.
Post in the format listed at the top of the first post in each topic.

Every week all the posts are deleted execpt the current record which is left on the topic.

We operate a policy of honesty and you cannot win anything with your records, its just for fun, so theres no point in cheating! If you have extrodenary record we may ask you to verify them with a screenshot of your records screen in BLC.

You can register for the forum by going to:

Any Questions? Post on this topic
Sorry to say, this records forum is ridiculous unless you ask everyone to mention the exact settings they use. Asking for screenshot is no big deal, when you 've got BLC editors around!

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