Batting too easy on Hard/Hardest difficulty levels

This is the impression I got of the way bowling worked in 17 and it seems from what you say that it's not significantly changed, it was an extremely simplistic system based almost entirely on input timings + RNG. Not much connection between the physics of what you saw on the screen and the end results, rather the "game logic" behind the scenes dictated things based on the simplistic systems that bear little/no relation to the reasons edges happen in real life (as you elaborated on).

I was already skeptical about this game, mostly due to the bowling length control mechanics being worse than DBC14, but it doesn't even sound like it's even an all-round polished/finished product with properly balanced gameplay... I could have been tempted were that the case, but I'm not buying into it with the hope of patches fixing things down the road - 17 did get improvements but is IMO still very lacklustre even in it's "final" version.

At the moment the game needs balancing but you can see the foundation is all there. It simply needs a few tweaks to get there but the million dollar question is whether Big Ant can manage to nail the game balancing coz without it there's not much of a challenge. I will try Wealy's gameplay modifiers and see how it goes but the fact that you need to lower the modifiers to get edges seem to suggest that modifiers need some tweaking for them to work as intended.
Hey guys. its a great game. Everything is looking organized and more stable from gameplay to menu screens.. I got the game yesterday at 10:30 pm IST. Spent 2 hours updating teams ,stadiums, bats and logos. Then started playing the game. I am a gamer who likes to play at hardest difficulty.So i decided legend hardest for batting with 100 gameplay modifier on everything. But 23 as default in Ball Marker. It was really difficult. I toggled gameplay modifiers and increased the ball marker timing. It helped me in timing. I was mainly leaving the new ball. and then after settling down i was able to play seam nicely on hardest.. Great challenge it was. just like real cricket.But against spin i am not able to defend the ball at all leave playing the shots.. So that is looking a bit odd. So can anyone tell me how to use my modifiers as in this message i havedescribed my style of play and taste.And also can somebody tell me what happens when you toggle Gameplay modifiers as 'off'.Thankyou. Any helpwould be appreciated. Great game.Playing on pc.
Another useful thread with good inputs...Just what is required..:thumbs
There should be Like that For AI .

1 - Test Vs ODI .... AI , It should be Different code for AI running between the wicket .. in ODI should take more risky and an quick runs compare to TEST .
2 - Now About Percentage hitting 6s , Only The Some Player should have capability to hit 3 6s in row , Gayle , Maxwell , Pandya ... Like player should higher percentage of 6s .
I'm playing on medium AI difficulty and Hard batting. I'm not very good at cricket games when it comes to batting but I can hit every ball that isn't a wide for 6. Getting 2 wides an over on average during a test match....
At the moment the game needs balancing but you can see the foundation is all there. It simply needs a few tweaks to get there but the million dollar question is whether Big Ant can manage to nail the game balancing coz without it there's not much of a challenge. I will try Wealy's gameplay modifiers and see how it goes but the fact that you need to lower the modifiers to get edges seem to suggest that modifiers need some tweaking for them to work as intended.
From what you're saying it doesn't sound like the "foundation is all there"... This whole discussion about how edges should work wouldn't be necessary if the foundations were there. Edges don't happen for the correct reasons, some tweaks/sliders to change their frequency is unlikely to make them happen for proper cricketing reasons.

Seems like the whole system needs to be reworked from the ground up to get this right, I don't expect patches will change such fundamental stuff.
When I was coached as a kid I the one thing which was drummed into me was to get your feet to the pitch of the ball.

Well, this is literally true against spin. And that's one thing that's bothered me about spin since 14 - driving spinners on the up shouldn't really be a thing.

Against pace it's more relative, still true but in a different way. You don't see a lot of pro pace bowling played with the foot *literally* getting very far down to the pitch of the ball. At 85mph most players haven't got time to get a big front foot movement in - at least not unless they're going to risk being whacked in the face with a bouncer because they propped onto the front foot too early.

Plenty of pro batsmen are just getting into line with a solid base, front foot in a similar spot for most front foot offside shots, and waiting for the ball to come to them.

It's still true that driving at shorter deliveries gives the bowler more of a chance, just not in the same very precise technical way that it's true against spin.
2 - Now About Percentage hitting 6s , Only The Some Player should have capability to hit 3 6s in row , Gayle , Maxwell , Pandya ... Like player should higher percentage of 6s .

I think brute and attacking batsman category nails it well, the only problem is right now hitting six is easy for all but the difference is there between a renshaw and warner. it just needs to be brought out.

At the same time if any player even if its zaheer khan if he times well and has good footwork in his difficulty should be able to plonk sixes in a row like he did just walking out against olango, also ball quality etc also comes to play, ifg its four half volleys in a row like stokes did in that t20 wc any body should be able to plonk it.

I think the system is there fine just needs to reduce the perfect hit-ability of sixes for all in general and mainly ones coming top of the bat etc and all.
For the time being till the 6 hitting gets sorted out,
Shot power modifier can bring good results.
Reduce it and use long boundries in match settings.
No was legend PS4

Regarding your settings you say you have

15 for delivery marker
50 for timing
90 for shot choice
60 for rest

So you have this just to be sure

15 Ball Marker Display Time
50 Shot Timing Difficulty
60 Foot Placement Difficulty
60 Bowl Quality Influence
90 Shot Choice Difficulty


Do you keep all the Physics - Always Active modifiers on default ?
Regarding your settings you say you have

15 for delivery marker
50 for timing
90 for shot choice
60 for rest

So you have this just to be sure

15 Ball Marker Display Time
50 Shot Timing Difficulty
60 Foot Placement Difficulty
60 Bowl Quality Influence
90 Shot Choice Difficulty


Do you keep all the Physics - Always Active modifiers on default ?

Pace Minimum to 75
Pace Max to 80

Ball Marker now on 10 but I'm using pitch marker instead
From what you're saying it doesn't sound like the "foundation is all there"... This whole discussion about how edges should work wouldn't be necessary if the foundations were there. Edges don't happen for the correct reasons, some tweaks/sliders to change their frequency is unlikely to make them happen for proper cricketing reasons.

Seems like the whole system needs to be reworked from the ground up to get this right, I don't expect patches will change such fundamental stuff.

Let me rephrase... when I said the "foundation is there" I meant from batting animations, how fluid the batting is and how you can score most part of the grounds. It all needs to be backed up by "risk & reward" from shot selection and shot result perspective. It's fun to play & bat till you realise you can continue batting without too much risk and that's what needs changing and nobody other than Big Ant can figure out how easy or difficult that change would be hence "the million dollar question". But if I were you I would hold off till you see the game balanced appropriately.
Pace Minimum to 75
Pace Max to 80

Ball Marker now on 10 but I'm using pitch marker instead

But if I change "Ball Marker Display Time" any lower than 26 (or 25) it becomes similar to DBC 14 in the sense you don't get enough time to judge line & length and end up pre-meditating. Also haven't used "Pitch Marker" but wouldn't that make it even easier given you know the exact spot the ball lands instead of getting a vague idea only about the length (Ball Marker)?
But if I change "Ball Marker Display Time" any lower than 26 (or 25) it becomes similar to DBC 14 in the sense you don't get enough time to judge line & length and end up pre-meditating. Also haven't used "Pitch Marker" but wouldn't that make it even easier given you know the exact spot the ball lands instead of getting a vague idea only about the length (Ball Marker)?

Yeah how does the Pitch Marker work on that compared to Ball Marker ?
Well, this is literally true against spin. And that's one thing that's bothered me about spin since 14 - driving spinners on the up shouldn't really be a thing.

Against pace it's more relative, still true but in a different way. You don't see a lot of pro pace bowling played with the foot *literally* getting very far down to the pitch of the ball. At 85mph most players haven't got time to get a big front foot movement in - at least not unless they're going to risk being whacked in the face with a bouncer because they propped onto the front foot too early.

Plenty of pro batsmen are just getting into line with a solid base, front foot in a similar spot for most front foot offside shots, and waiting for the ball to come to them.

It's still true that driving at shorter deliveries gives the bowler more of a chance, just not in the same very precise technical way that it's true against spin.

Footwork is equally important against faster bowlers too. Obviously you won't get as close to the pitch of the ball for pacers as you will for spinners but you still need to move your feet to cover for the line and be close enough so lateral movement doesn't beat you. The lateral movement for a pacer is not as much as the amount of turn a spinner can get and that's why you don't need to be that close enough. But if you don't move and get stuck in the crease you risk being bowled off half volleys as well as there would be large enough distance between the bat and the ball for lateral movement to beat you. And that's why it's so difficult to come up against genuine pace as you don't get enough time to get your feet in the right place and also there's a fear factor at the back of your mind about "what if it's a short one?" This foot movement may not be as important on truer or flat wkts but becomes crucial if there's swing/seam movement and the reason why batting in Eng is so different from batting in Aus. Even a foot or foot and a half of movement in the right direction to cover for line and getting closer to the pitch of the ball makes a huge difference against the pacers.

Adding to the complexity of cricket getting to the pitch of the ball is true only for front foot drives. You need a different system for backfoot (drives/punches) and horizontal shots (cuts & pulls). Unlike front foot drives where you want to try and get as close to the pitch of the ball, you need to increase the distance between where the ball pitched and when you play the shot so that you get enough time to judge line, length and height of the shortish delivery. For backfoot the ball needs to be short enough for the batsman to judge line, length & height of the ball, and if it's too full you end up risking an edge or playing on. Speed becomes a crucial factor as the faster it is, more difficult to judge line, length, height and get in a position to hook/pull or punch the ball. That is why there's a dilemma for just short of good length deliveries, i.e. whether to go on the front or the back foot. That's the "length of uncertainty" and is different for every pitch depending on the bounce and is analogous to the "corridor of uncertainty" for judging line (i.e. whether to leave or play the ball). If you decide to play the good/slightly short of good length on front foot and it's too short then you risk i) the ball getting big on you and you, or ii) end up edging the ball as there's too much distance between where the ball pitched and you for you to cover for lateral movement. If you decide to play on the back foot and the ball is fuller than you think then there won't be enough distance between where the ball pitched and you to judge line, length & height properly and risk i) edging the delivery or playing on, or ii) top edging the delivery in case of pull/hook.

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