Bejing Bulldogs-50% up for sale.

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I really, REALLY, do not want to get involved in this. Can I leave and hope Neo sorts this out fairly and sensibly?
I really, REALLY, do not want to get involved in this. Can I leave and hope Neo sorts this out fairly and sensibly?

If someone helps me.:crying

Neo95 added 1 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...

Well then bidding is still on

Highest bid till now
DPRA -875 k
Neo, this is a bid! You cannot choose who you give it to, you have to wait till the highest bid holds.

Right I'm not looking at this thread again without being asked to.
Neo, what they basically meant is, that when you open a bid, you HAVE to accept the highest bidder, and you basically bind a sort of agreement, that you shall do so. In opening a bid you can't sell it outside the bidding premises, everything has to be public.

If you wanted some money you should've set a higher startingh amount.
I think as it stands I have the highest bid as DPRA has not posted. Also when does this close, as my bid has been standing for nearly 24 hours
250K bid


I'd also like to see a post from DPRA if he wants his bid considered.
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