Bid Three; Sydney Soldiers

Dean has told me he'd go 1000 above those other offers, so if you offer 150k, he'd offer 151k. Understand?

So if you guys do indeed get to the special total i will tell you guys
but his bid won't be final i guess?? if he offers 151 k, then can i raise it to 155k??
and then the bidding will continue as the normal bidding procedure, and dean will keep raising it till he has the money??
Yeah, if you bid 160k, he'd bid 161k, once you get to his final bidding level he has told me, then i will let people know that its passed :))
The PCPL gladly accept Highlander999's offer :p
The PCPL would like to see the money up front before continuing talks.
The PCPL would like to see the money up front before continuing talks.

Here you go:

The PCPL only accepts Vcash, not Dollars.
Not dumb :p i just know what cash i can get lots of interest on ;) and that ain't the Dollar recently :p The Vbank isn't giving good interest/conversion rates.
Dean, we still have 9 hours ;) It only closes today at 7PM GMT :)

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