BLIC 2007 video out

the video will never be as good as the game, they could of done a normal ea and shown stuff from the intro video. but instead they show us what matters, they got my money already :)
duded64 said:
the video will never be as good as the game, they could of done a normal ea and shown stuff from the intro video. but instead they show us what matters, they got my money already :)

they show you what matters, when the game looks almost the same as 2005 :rolleyes:
stevie said:
There are some screenshots from Atari floating around here. Just look at those and you've got it.

Not perfect, but they are good enough.

PS: I know it is nothing, but I find that a clock for the timing bar is hilarious.
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Get The Full Resolution Video Here

stevie said:
No, it means the video was of low quality. You've forgotten that Kev is one of us lucky people to have seen the game in action. ;)
I am also one of the lucky ones who has seen it and let's not forget that I am the only one who has played it so far (albeit a few months ago). I left Codemasters feeling enthused by what I had seen, heard, and played. They've completely rebuilt this game from the ground up. They've had to as they've made it inhouse with none of the Swordfish team onboard.

There seem to be a lot of videos floating around at various disappointing levels of resolution. Why on earth people are so determined to slate the game based on dodgy videos is beyond me. To that end, I have uploaded the full resolution video to the PlanetCricket server so that you can download it and make a properly informed decision.

I'm not saying you have to like it but it least it gives you a closer estimate of what we might end up with. The video is 720*405 so I don't want to hear anything about poor resolutions this time. And no, they're not paying me (unfortunately) and they didn't even offer me a job when I applied, or even email me a rejection - thanks guys :rolleyes:

Thanks to lazy_chesnut for providing the video. You can download it HERE. (14.1Mb)
Awesome News Burma Finest is Back after a long sesion :D , yea burma that video is gr8 . thnks to chestnut also :clap
Dunkyboy said:
Yikes, looks like I touched a raw nerve there. I think rubber doth protest too much however. Also, four months? Is there something you want to tell us about the release date? Listen guys, all I'm saying is remember that our expectations are never entirely met by any game, and that companies can't help but exploit that fact. No matter what rubber might say, codemasters job is not to listen to us lot bang on about what colour the fielders helmets should be etc. It's to sell a game which is marketed as a world cup tie-in and which is designed to appeal to as many people as possible, not just the hardcore cricket fans like ourselves.

The fact remains, however, that the video looks piss-poor! :p

I've calmed down since then ;)

Nah, not protesting too much, I'm just not a fan of pessimists - I've had loads of them over the years on the game forums I've been admin for and they get my goat everytime - I should learn to calm down a bit ;)

Obviously when I said "four months before launch" I meant the video, which was filmed in December, so it was still four months of tweaking before the final game is due.

We do listen to fans - we did do after the last game and we have done with the forum day in October and on the forums since announcement.

Obviously there's some ideas or suggestions or expectations that we just don't have time to implement - and those that say that "the game is crippled because the helmets aren't the right colour" or whatever (I've had emails saying that kind of thing) are mad!

I'm sure we'd all rather get the core gameplay as perfect as possible, the graphics to be an improvement and then if we've got time for the helmets then great. And I'm sure that we all share this feeling as you lot, like me, are going to be playing it in a couple of months and want to play an enjoyable game!

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