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Club Cricketer
Jan 28, 2007
Solar System
Online Cricket Games Owned
Boomzone.Zit.Bz :onpc

I've been working on this site for ages. Hopefully you guys'll like it. I know the layout of the webpages aren't very good but i just needed a quick template (I'm working on a new one :). The main part of the site is the content after all!


Cricket Games - I am doing a section on Cricket Games which will have patches and information related to cricket games.

The main point is to get patches and Mods up for older cricket games (EG Cricket 2002 and Brian Lara cricket 99), because there are so little resources related to them left around anymore (I know the Brian Lara cricket 99 site is down for one thing)

This is where i will need help from you guys aswell. I need those people that still have Patches, Editors and Mods for older Cricket Games to Post them here/PM them to me, Or even better register on the Forum on my site and just PM me from there or post it in the forum. They will almost certainly be put on the site. Thanks in advance!

If you guys want me to add anything else to it i will most gladly do so.

Articles - I'll be posting Articles about General Topics (IT related, Languages, Science (all school related kind of stuff, and off course Cricket!) and if you want anything added there (Like your own article you want others to see) just tell me.

Tutorials - I'll be posting IT-related Tutorials in the Tutorial Section. (Same Sorta topics as Articles really). Once again, if you want anything added just tell me.

Forum - The Forum. I can't say much about this. Its mainly related to Cricket and Computing (What else did you expect?). I made the theme myself (and i'm pretty damn impressed with it). I'm also making Regular backups in case something bad happens (Some of you guys will know what i'm on about here...)

Blog - My Blog will mainly cover my thoughts on the Latest cricket going-ons (and some stuff will just be my general thoughts...). Again this is also completely backed up


Guys remember i'm serious about this (Its A long-term project and i have daily backups So i'll just swap to a differnet host if anything goes wrong and i'll inform you guys here. After whats happened in the past i'm prepared for anything and everything)

The Site is HERE

I'd be real glad if some of you guys registered in the forum
Nice. Cool.
Your sig is oversize though (max is 300x100) fix it before andrew catches you! :p
Cricketman93 said:
Nice. Cool.
Your sig is oversize though (max is 300x100) fix it before andrew catches you! :p

My Sig? Oversize? I have no clue what you're on about :p

Thanks for the comments...
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I have a suggestion-
The orange/black combination looks too flashy. Try something smoother.

I can also help(in small ways) with designing and graphics.
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Harrypotter_fan said:
I have a suggestion-
The orange/black combination looks too flashy. Try something smoother.

I can also help(in small ways) with designing and graphics.

Hmm. I'll consider that in the future. but i have just spent ages doing this and can't be bothered to theme the forum, blog and change the site colors all over again :( .

Thanks for the suggestion though. I'll bear it in mind
Harrypotter_fan said:
dose not matter mate. Just change the color of the links as they don't look that good in blue.

Yeah, Ill do that soon for sure. What colour do you reckon would look good though? I can't seem to think of any colour that would look decent on an orange backgroung, but i really don't want to change the background :crying

I'M Currently working on a few things and will hopefully have the cricket game pages in a few days. I just need some help. Like in the first post i asked for people to post/email/pm me some patches/editors and things for older cricket games. Come on guys...



I've altered the entire structure of the site more to my liking and made it a bit more professional looking. It matches with the forum nicely now (i think)

I'm working on the content... :happy
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I think thats enough free advertising for your site, afreedee. Triple posting is beyond my comprehension.

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