Brad Haddin - Cheat?


School Cricketer
Mar 14, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
In the first ODI between Australia and New Zealand we had a controversial dismissal. Neil Broom was the batsman, Michael Clarke the bowler. Basically what happened is that Broom got 'bowled' by Haddin's wicket keeping gloves. Haddin had his gloves in front of the stumps which is a breach of the cricketing laws and should have been ruled a no ball. Not only that, he caught the ball just before/above the stumps and knocked the bails off. No one except Haddin probably knew it happened. Haddin looked VERY guilty afterward and instead of questioning it, saying 'hang on, it was me who broke the stumps'

Australia have had a history of doing things against the spirit of the game and 'cheating' to win. The famous under-arm incident. A similar event to this with Greg Dyer happened apparently also.

Personally I think Haddin is a cheat. Whether it was intentional or not, he knew damn well he illegally broke the stumps. This kind of thing is like lieing about taking catches. Except this is WORSE! At least with catches you could be pretty sure but it coulda taken a bit of grass. In this case he knew damn well he broke them and he was also keeping illegally with his gloves over-in front of the stumps.

Does anyone think action should be taken? Is this another call for appeals? I think yes to both counts.
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I am inclined to go a bit more easy. I expect he knew what he did, but in the heat of the moment people make stupid decisions, e.g. Collingwood and the famous run-out. He is still pretty new to the International scene and probably panicked as that wicket looked to get Australia back into the game.

Forgive and forget, New Zealand still won, so there is no damage done :)
There is no damage done. But if we HAD lost there would have been. Remember, the equation was VERY favorable for us at that stage. That dismissal put Australia back in the game. I don't think it should matter whether it affected the result or not. I'm just asking, does the ICC need to do something about this? The decision it'self isn't the problem. The umpires missed it and that happens. The problem is is a player trying to cheat and do you think he SHOULD have asked the umpires about it. Should players like Dave Hussey who knew there was no edge at all, McCullum who knew he hit the cover off the ball into his pad and players like Broom who didn't know how the hell he got bowled from the ball be able to refer it.

Should the third umpire sit up there watching and when something like this comes up, should he be allowed to over-rule the decision if it's obvious?

If we HAD of lost this game there would have been a bigger deal about it i'm sure. I don't think it deserves to be forgotten just because Australia lost.
Cheat? Probably not.

Idiot? Yes and of the highest order.

Verdict : Future must be assessed whether he is good enough to play at the top level, after a series of gaffes in such a short career (throwing gloves at ball Tom n Jerry style, now this).
I forgot about him throwing the gloves, wasn't long ago either. Does he have any history of cheating in domestic?

I'm sure Haddin knew he broke the stumps. I can;t imagine him thinking otherwise. Keepers watch the ball. He can't have not known.
I am inclined to go a bit more easy. I expect he knew what he did, but in the heat of the moment people make stupid decisions, e.g. Collingwood and the famous run-out. He is still pretty new to the International scene and probably panicked as that wicket looked to get Australia back into the game.

Forgive and forget, New Zealand still won, so there is no damage done :)
Not the right argument I am afraid, esp "Forget it, now that NZ won it" That;s just turning blind eye to a woefully stupid act from the keeper. and no sane keeper in the world would have put his hands in front of the stumps.

Also I don't buy this "heat of the moment" stuff. What Colly did might have left many in sour moods, but what he did was perfectly within the laws. However, Haddin's case is different. He inherently knew there was something wrong, and if he knew, he should have put it up immediately. And when you are playing at the highest level, you are expected not to do such stupidity even in the "heat of the moment". If you do, that means you are not fit for International cricket.

I don't think Haddin cheated. However, his mistake is too terrible not to be given a blind eye to. Worse was the umpiring from square leg. I cannot believe the idiot did not call a no ball, We do it in street cricket.
Knew this would eventually come up, as soon as that wicket fell, I was really hoping NZ would win so this wouldn't be as controversial. I'm pretty sure if Haddin felt it he would've said so, but I'm more sick of people directing and co-relating this to "Australias history of cheating".
After watching the replay he's sure the ball hit the bails first and then bounced up into his gloves. What an idiot!!! He must be the only person who watched the replay and saw it that way.

The other difference between this and the Collingwood incident is that Collingwood was at least man enough to admit he was wrong. What happened in that game wasn't against the law just against the spirit of the game. What Haddin did was blatant cheating and yet he's trying to say he had no idea the gloves were in front of the wicket. Does he think we're all as stupid as he is?
Precambrian's argument is pretty good. I agree he's an idiot of the highest order considering what he's done in the recent past. To be honest IloveGilly Australia will never escape the cheating tag in cricket after the under-arm incident. Just like SA will never escape the betting tag. Unfortunate to be honest.
I've seen the video and Haddin stumped touched the bails with his gloves. Here is another article about it.

February 2, 2009
Haddin joins Chappell and Dyer in New Zealand folklore
Posted 2 hours, 2 minutes ago in Australian cricket
Cricinfo - Blogs - The Surfer

Also here is an interesting note also:

'Ponting also said something else peculiar that makes you wonder what Haddin thought happened out there.
“Out on the field at the time, Brad was certain the ball had flicked the top of the off stump,” Ponting said.
But why would Haddin even mention it?
A batsman getting bowled doesn’t usually precipitate a discussion about whether the ball actually struck the stumps. That is a given.
Such a comment may well indicate that the keeper, at some level, had had some doubt about the legitimacy of the dismissal.
And if that is the case, Vettori could rightfully question why he had not raised it at the time.'
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Punish Haddin!! This guy even is trying to justify his act. Its so damn clear that the ball is nowhere close to the bails and the dislodging of the bails is only due to Haddin's gloves.

I feel it might have been an accident, and he pulled his gloves back fast so he might be under the belief he had his gloves back. But after he the wicket he looked a little bit unsure.

I'm not sure what to think, but I am actually leaning towards believing he knew what he did.

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