Brad Haddin - Cheat?

I'm not sure why any wicket keeper could take the ball infront the stumps and still assume the batsman was bowled. Is that even possible ? Haddin said he took the ball infront the stump then go on to say the ball hit top of the wicket.
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I think he knew what he did but he didnt mean to do it, allthough the ball probably would've hit the stumps anyway. It's Lucky New Zealand won or it would be a bit more serious.
Allegations of calling someone a cheat are incredibly serious and seem a little bit over the top. By calling him a cheat you are suggesting he made a concious decision to dislodge the bails with his gloves.

It certainly shouldn't have been given out and Haddin would know the rule and I think he made the mistake of having his gloves where they were, it was poor on his part and I'm sure he knows that but I do not believe that it was his intention to go onto the field and get someone out in that manner which is what an allegation of cheating suggests.

As for not mentioning it to the umpire I think thats an issue of sportsmanship more than anything. It comes under the samecategory ofa batsman not walking when he knows he's edged a ball and being given not out.
Cricinfo - Haddin calls 'cheat' claims poor and low

Ok Haddin is now nothing more than a pathetic joke. :mad:

He's now playing victim and is having a whinge at Vettori saying, Vettori should of had the decency to front him with any grievances about the dismissal. This is coming from a twat that could of done the "decent" thing and admited his mistake, and called Broom back to the crease.
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It's blatantly obvious from the replay that Haddin was watching the ball and his gloves the whole time. He can't have NOT seen himself brake the stumps let alone feel them. It is pathetic he can't admit it.

Ponting said in the press conferance that if Haddin knew he had broken the stumps he wouldn't have claimed it. But you can see from the replay that Haddin watched his own hands do it and then looked guilty after. He knew full well.

I think he knew what he did but he didn't mean to do it, although the ball probably would've hit the stumps anyway.

Nah it wouldn't. You can see it as going over from the replay. He took the ball in front of the stumps and it was already just above the bail.
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It is not his responsibility to tell a batsman not to walk off. It is the umpire's responsibility to adjudicate all decisions, and Haddin may be unsportsmanlike for doing this but he is not a cheat. Rather hypocritical for Indians on here to say this stuff about Haddin when Dhoni is notorious for being a bad sport himself in much more clear cut situations than this one.

Considering the fact that Haddin has in the past immediately admitted that catches dropped short when it looked close to spectators and the umpire, I wouldn't be so sure that he knew about this. He has proven to be a good sport in the past.

I take strong objections to the opening post, which attacks the country as a whole for a supposed history of cheating just because of the underarm incident? Time to move on don't you think irrotev? It was a lifetime ago and any history certainly has no bearing upon the actions of current players.
Just had a look at the video and it appears to me that the ball would have missed the bails by a couple of millimeters. I feel like international keepers take the ball in front of the stumps regularly but it is just not publicized since it usually doesn't turn into this sort of incident (or it's usually taken wide of the stumps rather than directly behind it). As it is, the ICC has to find Haddin guilty of violating it's laws and at least issue a warning, if not a small fine.

As for the realistic aspect, this event seems to show the kind of attitude Haddin has towards the game. Going and accusing charges of Vettori going "low" when he himself did something unsportsmanlike shows him to be a tool of the highest order. He's certainly prepared his career to be courted in controversy if he happens to do something silly in the future.
The aussies have a history of cheating- the underarm incident, the Justin Langer case, the Sydney test etc etc. But I don't think Haddin cheated this time. He's not that kind of a player.

Well, or maybe he did. I have just seen the video. Hmm...yup Haddin did cheat.
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They should official put on Haddin's bowling statistics that he now has 1 wicket to his name...
Rather hypocritical for Indians on here to say this stuff about Haddin when Dhoni is notorious for being a bad sport himself in much more clear cut situations than this one.

Considering the fact that Haddin has in the past immediately admitted that catches dropped short when it looked close to spectators and the umpire, I wouldn't be so sure that he knew about this. He has proven to be a good sport in the past.
Hold on, here. What's with the Dhoni accusation? If you can vindicate Haddin's actions by claiming he has shown himself to be "a good sport in the past", then anyone can vindicate Dhoni's actions by the fact that he walks everytime he edges it, the most recent being the last ODI against Sri Lanka. Besides, what's this about Dhoni being "notorious for being a bad sport"? He's had one controversial incident that I can remember, and even that I do not remember as being outwardly unsportsmanlike.
It is not his responsibility to tell a batsman not to walk off. It is the umpire's responsibility to adjudicate all decisions, and Haddin may be unsportsmanlike for doing this but he is not a cheat. Rather hypocritical for Indians on here to say this stuff about Haddin when Dhoni is notorious for being a bad sport himself in much more clear cut situations than this one.

Considering the fact that Haddin has in the past immediately admitted that catches dropped short when it looked close to spectators and the umpire, I wouldn't be so sure that he knew about this. He has proven to be a good sport in the past.

I take strong objections to the opening post, which attacks the country as a whole for a supposed history of cheating just because of the underarm incident? Time to move on don't you think irrotev? It was a lifetime ago and any history certainly has no bearing upon the actions of current players.

He has proven to be a good sport in the past.

Like throwing his keeping gloves at a ball to stop a 4?

I'm not sure if he did it intentionally or not, only he knows really. But the fact that he knew he broke the stumps and the ball didn't and he danced around appealing like it was bowled afterward is cheating in my eyes. Him having his gloves in front of the stumps is cheating. So to some extent he is a cheat, it's a question of to what extent.

The fact he can't own up to doing it really disgusts me.
The ball was definitely missing the stumps so no point arguing that. I certainly wouldn't put it under cheating as mentioned by 'Blues' he would have had to made a conscious decision to take the bails off which I don't think he did.

If he knew he hit the bails or not only he will know, you cannot say with 100% confidence that he did or did not know. He seems to believe it was out at the time so like with catches that you feel is out but not you go with your instinct. But after watching the replays he surely must see that it was not out and he should have apologized for what happened instead of saying what he did.
He didn't know? Look at the replay. Look where his eyes are. He has front row seats. Considering we can clearly see from replays that he broke them I don't buy this 'I didn't know' BS! Plus the fact that he would have felt his gloves hit the top of the stumps.

Personally, i've moved past whether it was intentional or not. The thing which irks me now is him not owning up and even having the nerve to hit back at Vettori about it.
So does this mean the lump of #### (mcullum)as symonds would say is also a cheat.
Claiming a catch down leg side just to try an distract the umpire from giving it as a wide.
The umpire then gave Dussey out.
So mcullum is also a cheat he should of done the right thing an walked up to the umpires an said look im not sure he knicked it i was just trying to make u not give it a wide.
Mcullum an bowler knew he didnt knick it an looked shocked then started laughing that they got the wicket.
This happened at a crucial time in aus innings an could of changed the match also.

Im positive Haddin would of known he knocked the stumps but prob thought it happened just after ball hit them.
Just 1 of those bad moments team desperate for a wicket he didnt think at the time an all he cared about was celebrating the much needed wicket.
Didnt think oh hang n a second maybe i hit stumps just before ball.

There is no way he delibrately knocked bails off to get wicket no keeper is dumb enough to try that in this day an age.

Geez NZ lose a stupid 1 day game due to a terrible underarm bit of cheating an they never stop bringing it up.

Yet we lose the biggest test series the ashes in england due to england cheating by ball tampering an to most of us are over it an forgot it ever happened.

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