Brad Haddin - Cheat?

Does both your shocking decisions include Bracken's LBW which was given out from nowhere? :rolleyes:

I thought it was plumb when I saw it live. That was Bucknor's decision. Bracken made it look dead to be fair. Even the 9 commentators said it was plumb. Hawk-eye said it was missing by 2mm, big deal. That was hardly a shocker. The other 2 were. They say hawk-eye's accurate within 5mm or something, so it could have actually been hitting.

Just saw replay for the first time
I still think mcullums cheating was alot more blatant an u can clearly see him an the bowler laughing that the umpire gave dussey out.

LOL ok then. Why wouldn't they laugh? It was Patel's first ball, it was a wide miles down the legside and they got a wicket with it. Who says they were laughing at the dismissal? There was a noise. The commentary team didn't show hot spot bear in mind so we don't have much proof to show he didn't hit it. I personally don't think it was out and would have given benefit to the batsman but anyway. McCullum was entitled to appeal.

There's a huge difference, are you seriously too blind to see that what Haddin did was far worse and against the laws and spirit of the game?
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I thought it was plumb when I saw it live. That was Bucknor's decision. Bracken made it look dead to be fair. Even the 9 commentators said it was plumb. Hawk-eye said it was missing by 2mm, big deal. That was hardly a shocker. The other 2 were.

When I was seeing Live, It didn't look like.. I got surprised only when umpire raised his finger.. The angle of the delivery bowled was tricky. I never denied that Kiwis didn't bowl well.. But when comes to umpiring decisions, we can't help it. We had to move on.

Just because of one dislodging the stumps accidental incident, that person cannot be a cheater. The same poor umpiring decisions costed England a test match draw Vs India. The same poor umpiring decisions costed a hell a lot of confusions during India's trip to Aussies.. At the same time, we can't expect every player to maintain the sportsman ship. Few players like Gilchrist are known for that.. That doesn't imply each and every player has to be the same. And just because a player is not like Gilchrist doesn't imply that he is a cheater either.

Some shocking feelings.. some surprises.. some excitement... some disappointments - A mixture of all these is what supposed to be an entertainment and cricket is definitely an entertainment ;)
I'm not complaining about the umpiring :/ I'm telling it like it is.

Another thing to note. If it had of been a more experianced batsmen he probably woulda stood there and said something. Sadly it was Broom in his 3rd game and obviously didn't want to put his foot wrong. Credit to him for handling it well.
Okay here I've got 4 screenshots.

No.1 :


Haddin's hands are in front of the stumps already, even before the ball has passed the batsman, and hence there is no way that is NOT a no-ball.

Screenshot No. 2


The exact moment when the ball enters Haddin's gloves, note how far they are from the bails/stumps, and also note that Haddin's hands are still in front of the stumps.

Screenshot No.3


Another view of the "exact" moment when the ball enters Haddin's gloves, again, confirms he took the ball before the stumps, which means, there is no way the ball had hit the bails before they entered his gloves, or otherwise, Laws of physics had a temporary breakdown at the stumps area at that very precise moment, and somehow caused the ball to pass through Haddin's gloves, hit the bails, and then somehow pop back into his gloves in the reverse motion.

Screenshot No.4


The best confirmation of Haddin grabbing the ball in front of the stumps, as well as his lower gloves are in touch with the top of the stumps.

So two questions to Haddin:

1. How did you even dare to make that argument that the ball clipped the bails and then popped into the stumps?

2. How can you question Vettori speaking to the presspeople, when Haddin refuted the suggestions in front of the same people?
I believe Ridley Jacobs was banned for a few games for a similar incident a few years ago. I believe Haddin deserves the same.

I was all for him getting of but the fact that he hasn't been man enough to admit he made a mistake has changed my mind.
At full speed it looks pretty innocent. It only looks obvious in the crappy low motion replays, which don't really show the ball at the crucial moment and are hopelessly blurry and littered with artifacts (especially on Youtube) anyway. The only replay worth watching is the one from the high-speed camera and at that, it's only two seconds of slow motion footage to work with. It's a moment that literally takes place in a fraction of a second.

Of course, this is only to determine cheating. According to the law, it should have been called no-ball and there's really no dispute over that. However, to prove cheating you have to be a million times more careful. Many times, the accused are discredited and often enough, it is wrongly so, but about as often it is those who make accusations that are embarrassed and discredited as well.

I've no doubt Broom wasn't sure what had happened. Had he stood his ground it would have been a strange and probably degrading moment, as the batsman is clearly helpless without the ability to call for a review. Full credit to Broom for not doing the absolute dumbest thing he possibly could have done.
Again, I reiterate I don' think Haddin cheated.

But that he is an idiot is proved by his tirade against Vettori, when instead he should have apologised for the error, even unintentionally committed.
He's not a cheat just a real dumb a**. In the heat of the moment he did something really stupid. Probably didn't mean to catch the ball so far in front of the stumps. Either way he didn't admit it and it shows how imature Haddin is. Plus he didn't bother checking with the 3rd umpire- usually when your not sure with a catch you check with the 3rd umpire. And no doubt he wasn't sure if he clipped the stumps or was bowled. Why be sheepish when a wicket falls. Didn't play in the spirit of the game (whatever that means) but i prefer the phrase "was unsportsman in his conduct".

He verbally attacked Vettori which shows how dumb this guy is. And Ponting as usual backs him to the hilt. Haddin should be banned for a game atleast. Mistake or not he shouldn't have done that. As with supposed nicks there's a difference between appealing for a caight behind and celebrating a wicket where the guy wasn't bowled but you rather hit the wicket.
Again, I reiterate I don' think Haddin cheated.

But that he is an idiot is proved by his tirade against Vettori, when instead he should have apologised for the error, even unintentionally committed.
I think your right. He should realise his error and admit that. However I do agree with his statement thatif Vetorri was to attack Haddin's integrity as he did it didn't need to be done in the public eye. A quiet word in private would have been far more appropriate rather than blowing it out as has happened.
I think your right. He should realise his error and admit that. However I do agree with his statement thatif Vetorri was to attack Haddin's integrity as he did it didn't need to be done in the public eye. A quiet word in private would have been far more appropriate rather than blowing it out as has happened.
Not really. Vettori was approached by press guys and asked for his take on the matter, and he gave it. Again, he never for once lost his cool and labelled Haddin cheat or launch a tirade, he simply said, Haddin should have referred it if he was not sure, which is the case. So nothing wrong that Dan did. And the funnier thing is when Haddin accused Vettori of speaking in the public instead of having a word with him, when he and Ponting did exactly that!
Again, I reiterate I don' think Haddin cheated.

But that he is an idiot is proved by his tirade against Vettori, when instead he should have apologised for the error, even unintentionally committed.

Totally agree, i.e. Colly apologising after the run out (Yes, I know it wasn't cheating)

TBH, I saw a few names in here screaming cheat in capitals and was like there's a surprise..........:rolleyes: I think this is being blown out of proportion, but that is just my opinion. I don't see how people can say Aussies are cheats and say, my evidence is look at the test series when India was in Australia. That is just utter crap and is just looking to cause a fight!!!
Totally agree, i.e. Colly apologising after the run out (Yes, I know it wasn't cheating)

TBH, I saw a few names in here screaming cheat in capitals and was like there's a surprise..........:rolleyes: I think this is being blown out of proportion, but that is just my opinion. I don't see how people can say Aussies are cheats and say, my evidence is look at the test series when India was in Australia. That is just utter crap and is just looking to cause a fight!!!
Yeah. That is really sad. Next time someone says, "Look that Dhoni appeal did not seem so straightforward", you can expect atleast 10 posts linking this thread.

Anyway Haddin's terrible defence and his rant at Vettori has not exactly helped Australia's cause. If I were the captain, I'd asked Haddin to shut up, or even give him a penalty of a ban, post this rant. However the Aussie ranks are so depleted that they cannot think about it.

Overall poor form from Ponting and Haddin. Anyway that's the end of my rant here.
Fingers are clearly infront of stumps, where ball enters gloves is behind stumps

But theres no denying he did clip the bails before the ball hits but if u look at flight path of ball an where it ends up in gloves u can see it jumps up high into the back of the gloves definatly hit something to make it jump up.
maybe glove finger tips maybe stump.

honest mistake an in celebration simply didnt think hang on we better check this i might of hit them first.

to go out an call someone a cheat is just wrong
just like players cant come out an say yeah that guys a chucker

An with the dussey wicket
Patel didnt even appeal but then he saw mcullum appeal so he decided he better give a small half hearted appeal, they were in shock at first an then started talking an laughing.
There were no noises
Was just mcullum trying to stop the umpire from calling a wide which worked no wide was called an silly umpire actually gave him out.
Mcullum surely should have went up to the umpire an said look mate i was just trying to stop the wide being called there was no knick.

What a cheat symo was right in what he said about him.
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I just looked at the replay. All I have to say is...What a ******. They guy knows he has taken the bails off with his gloves and yet still he look so god damn innocent. Totally pisses me off competely. I reckon most other Wicketkeepers in world cricket would have said, "Hold on, I took the bails off, not the ball" Never really rated Haddin anyway...

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