Brad Haddin - Cheat?

It is not his responsibility to tell a batsman not to walk off. It is the umpire's responsibility to adjudicate all decisions, and Haddin may be unsportsmanlike for doing this but he is not a cheat.

He could have at least walked up to Ponting and told him it wasnt out, and then Ponting might have called him back in "the spirit of the game." And im pretty sure a captain can call the batsmen back if knew it wasn't out!
He didn't know? Look at the replay. Look where his eyes are. He has front row seats. Considering we can clearly see from replays that he broke them I don't buy this 'I didn't know' BS! Plus the fact that he would have felt his gloves hit the top of the stumps.

Personally, i've moved past whether it was intentional or not. The thing which irks me now is him not owning up and even having the nerve to hit back at Vettori about it.

He clipped the bails in the process of catching the ball so I can understand him not feeling it. But we can go back and forwards on this and get no where cause there is only one guy that will know for certain.

I do agree that he shouldn't have said what he did attacking someone is only going to cause more problems.
Good and the bad deeds always give the reward. That has happened. I was bothered if or when he was in two-minds/state of surprise or whatever it can be. But in the end, the wicket didn't matter. Again, good deeds and the bad deeds always give the reward. Just leave it okay? We're not the only people in the world who won't not take care of it. Good and the bad deeds........ :)..
Let's not turn this into a bashing contest of what countries/players/teams are/aren't cheats based on past events.

Again I will re-iterate my point that for Haddin to be a 'cheat' is a veryserious allegation and I firmly believe that a player is only a cheat if they intentionally break the laws of the game, the suggestion from some people seems to be that this is what he did.

I would argue that every week somewhere in the world a batsman is given out wrongly by an umpire and the fielders/keeper know that the batsman isn'tout but the game goes on regardless.

The next question that has to be asked is why didn't the square leg umpire notice that Haddin'sgloves were dangerously close to the stumps and therefore refer it to the 3rd umpire?
The next question that has to be asked is why didn't the square leg umpire notice that Haddin'sgloves were dangerously close to the stumps and therefore refer it to the 3rd umpire?

Well a much better question would be why didn't Haddin himself go to the umpire or the captain to verify it? The umpires took the players word because there was no dispute between the two players, so the game went on.
haha one incident thats it... fire triggered off.. Com'on this might be his mistake.. might be an unintentional one too.. May be in that excitement, he would not even realized that he disturbed the stumps off with his gloves.. or He would have had too much focus on the ball... No wicket keepers..even a poor wicket keeper won't have the intention of keeping the gloves in front wantedly..:rolleyes: Just one accidental incident.. Thats it.. Critics after critics for that! That too no one knows except Haddin what exactly happened at that point of time. One view from third angle will have lot of meanings. They cannot be interpreted as such!

Anyways, it's not so bad as the one pitch catch which Moin Khan took against India which I am sure, many Indians would remember that. :p

One common nature among people... If someone is doing good, number of people to applaud <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(very....very^n less) number of people turning up for critics when some bad thing happened knowingly or unknowingly! Its really a big shame that people are of this natured.
Well a much better question would be why didn't Haddin himself go to the umpire or the captain to verify it? The umpires took the players word because there was no dispute between the two players, so the game went on.
To some degree thats a fair point. But the umpires job is to pass judgement on these sort of issues. I don't find it at all hard to believe that Haddin may not have initially realised that there was a problem, although his reaction after the wicket may suggest otherwise. Haddin claimed today that he didn't realise what had happened until he saw the replay on the big screen.

In the split second that the incident occured it is quite possible that Haddin and everybody else watching didn't realise what had gone on, I mean honestly how many people in here though it should be looked at when watching it live in full speed? All we saw was the bails flying off and thus we assume he was bowled, the same thing could have been believed by theplayers on the field at the time, including Haddin.
Reading through the posts here it doesn't look like anyone doubts that the bail was dislodged by Haddin's gloves, not the ball.

So that's what really annoys me about this. Haddin still said that after watching the replay that he is 100% sure that the ball dislodged the bail first. No one who has posted in this thread has seen it that way but Haddin did. Whether he "cheated" on the field maybe up for debate, but one thing that surely can't be denied is that Haddin is an out and out lier.
All we saw was the bails flying off and thus we assume he was bowled, the same thing could have been believed by theplayers on the field at the time, including Haddin.

All I care is Haddin was the keeper and knew what had happened, the ball was no where near the bails and ball went into his hands with full force with his gloves being on top of the the stumps.

Watch for yourselves YouTube - Cricket, Controversial dismissal of Neil Broom.
What is Haddin trying to say? I caught the ball in front of the stumps but the ball hit the stumps? From the replay we can clearly see that Haddin's gloves broke the stumps, it doesn't even matter if the ball would have gone on to hit the stumps, etc. And its typical Ponting to back his players and flame others even when his side has made the mistake. Haddin is too arrogant even to admit that he did wrong! Git.
The next question that has to be asked is why didn't the square leg umpire notice that Haddin'sgloves were dangerously close to the stumps and therefore refer it to the 3rd umpire?

That umpire is useless to be brutally honest. He made both the shocking umpiring decisions and was at square leg when this happened.
Just saw replay for the first time
Looks to me like Haddin clips bails with gloves then a fraction of a second later the ball does hit something an bounce up into his glove.
Maybe the top of the stumps?

Im sure he knew he clipped stumps but can see how he thought ball hit first then he hit.
an in heat of the moment just celebrated handy wicket instead of stopping to think hang on we better check this.

I still think mcullums cheating was alot more blatant an u can clearly see him an the bowler laughing that the umpire gave dussey out.
Let's just move on people, It not like Haddin's the first ever person to cheat in cricket:rolleyes:
anyways Newzeland still won the match.
That umpire is useless to be brutally honest. He made both the shocking umpiring decisions and was at square leg when this happened.

Does both your shocking decisions include Bracken's LBW which was given out from nowhere? :rolleyes:

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