Brian Lara Cricket 2K5 Demo Expander

hi sangam

you can use total commander along with game archive extractor plugin to extract or view bag files. Also tell me the progress on this topic. I am also working on this.
akshan said:
i have expanded the demo to 10 overs
if u wanna know how then guess?

im guessing that your bull****ting?
akshan said:
i have expanded the demo to 10 overs
if u wanna know how then guess?

o realllyyyyyyyyyyy..thn guess what me expended to 12 overs.....hheehe..looks like made it more shorter.bcoz the demo it self was 12 overs in
Can we stop messing around and concentrate on the important matter? making a demo expander
khan31 said:
Can we stop messing around and concentrate on the important matter? making a demo expander
man demo expander is not possible since the demo has only 6 overs per innings.
Well then lets just forget about the demo expander but does that mean we can joke around and tell blatant lies for no reason?
Hey guys!
Sorry been busy alot lately.I'll try total commander software today and try to look at .bag files.

hi guys

I have tried total commander but it gives the same error message that "invalid bag file" as given by dragon unpacker but dragon unpacker can be used to extract all the files from cricket2005pc.gob file. May be this information is helpful to sangam. According to me it is difficult not impossible to extract all the files from gamedata.bag file but it took some time. Hope the demo will be expanded soon

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